
GE doesn't so blatantly control the moves of it's competitors though. When AT&T and Verizon make moves, the smaller guys follow them. When Sprint or T-Mobile makes a move, AT&T and Verizon don't even bat an eyelid.

I would have loved to hear AT&T's estimates for how many redundant T-Mobile B&M stores it could have closed that may have been in close proximity to AT&T stores and the resulting number of jobs losses.

"Maybe that's just St. Louis. I can't say for other cities though."

She's a lumbering idiot.

"weighing the trade-offs in going from a GSM sim-card swappable carrier to one with this idea that people can only own one phone, and to switch I have to bring it in or call them up or something"

It's not just you, clicking the link just seems to re-load the page for me.

Due to the addictive nature of cocaine and heroine, is there even such a thing as doing them in moderation?

Unfortunately, the iSheep blinded by Steve Jobs reality distortion field would probably say, "I want the iPhone with the bigger screen and more GBs."

ICS does away with physical buttons altogether so that will certainly be a differentiating factor.

I may be wrong, but I was under the impression the OG Droid could be overclocked pretty aggressively to around 1 GHz or so???

If it's branded a "Droid", then it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that it's going to Verizon.

To each their own. 4.3" is just the right size for me, but I can also comfortably palm a basketball. 4" gets lost in my hand and the iPhone looks like a toy if I hold it up to my head(looks like i'm not holding anything).

HTC and Samsung should have contacted Google about creating a bidding consortium for the Nortel patents when they saw the cabal of Apple and Microsoft I mean seriously...what kind of unholy alliance is that?

Microsoft did, they pretty much have Nokia in their pocket.

I think what you're actually seeing there is the light from inside the oven shining on the cloth as the stove follows the door down to the floor.

I understand the jist of what you're getting at, but with regards to piracy...if I make an copy of the original hasn't the owner of the original then lost the ability to make money by selling it to me? Further, if I were to choose to seed the copy to a torrent site, haven't I then further reduced the owner's ability

That would be an enlightening statistic for the content producers to track!

@dgstan: I wish I could find more details on Reuters, but the jist of it is, Sprint says they could do this for a lot less than the $39 billion they are going to spend on acquiring T-Mobile.

@dagamer34: I don't know. I feel like with the new partnership, there's no reason they couldn't do that with Nokia.