
Would that make it an LS^2?

I’m seeing two main concerns in the comments: driver education/training, and vehicle condition. I’d like to think those are surmountable concerns.

That seems to be the setting for far too many Russian dashcam crash videos.

I rode with my father yesterday. His car showed that VSC was inoperative. He had no clue what that meant. I had to tell him that his Vehicle Stability Control was off - no antiskid functionality - and show him where the button for it was.

Extraordinary example - thank you for sharing about that Benz interacting with radar.  


Similarly... my mother passed away from a stroke on 12/7/2018. She (lightly) crashed her 2000 Lexus ES300 into my dad’s 1999 LS400 when it struck as she got home from Friday morning church and extra devotion

Can’t be age-based. There must be something more general around it - like renewal requires retest every 10 years... for everyone.

When I got rear-ended in my daughter’s school drop-off line, the driver of the Audi Q7 that hit me was dressed in boxers and a T shirt. It doesn’t get THAT cold in NC, but it certainly wasn’t the weather for that.

I’ll never see a “Salt Life” sticker the same again.

Reminds me of what I read somewhere about an out of control Segway.

JBH... was that you I met several years ago at CCC Manhattan (in their old location)?

I’ve stopped to help in the past, but currently, I’d be reluctant.


My first “MY” car was a 1985 Mercury Cougar GS V8.
I took a set of railroad tracks at... a good clip.
Since I blew out the shocks / struts, I am willing to bet air was attained.
That was expensive for a dumb college kid to fix.

  • Brake application while airborne.

Tires are so hard to figure out.

It’s close to me... and it’s affordable... but I just can’t imagine saying “That’s my JAAAAAAAG” about an X-Type.  I’d laugh at myself, or perhaps cry...

But... Ferris Bueller taught me it was... something-doo economics. Not doo doo... must be Voodoo Economics.

In our case, my wife has never been comfortable driving a potential new car with a salesperson in the car. So, I’ll be doing all the driving of it. That does not negate when I told you quite clearly that this is to be my wife’s car, not mine.