Found on the internet... and amusing. From
Yup - both are (were) a blast... just the 8th gen, with the K20... it’s like that friend who’s always egging you on to do crazy things. The K24 is objectively quicker, but subjectively doesn’t feel so crazy.
K20. Not K24.......
Just bring the X-3 Stiletto back and be done with it?
Circa 1993, I went with my parents on a trip out west.
I’m of German background... and I live in Raleigh... and we go to the beach often enough....... do you think I could..... nah.
As a pilot... I don’t fully trust the autopilot.
I’ve never had the balls (or the reason) to try this, but here’s what I heard.
It’s possible the teen may have passed.
That is EPIC!
I was about to say that you should hang onto your 8th until the end of time. I wish I had...
Perfect use for YMMV. Your Mileage May in fact Vary.