
Actually, your fence analogy is false, precisely for the reason they have a legal right to sue hackers; if you tell someone not to do something with/to your property, and they ignore it, you can sue them / press charges.
The key thing here is, can they prove that use of cheat programs drives away customers, and thus

You didn't use enough elipses.

I dunno, man. I prefer Android to iOS anyday, prefer shopping locally, and have always had Windows PCs. I'm from "left-wing socialist" California, currently in Denver, am all for more gun control and am atheist (I probably fit the stereotypical Angeleno almost to a T, except I don't drive and much prefer public

Can we stop equating Facebook likes to any real life data? Just because someone liked it on Facebook doesn't mean they prefer it, nor that it's more popular.

No one cares right now, steam summer sales.

Which current-gen console has received the most likes on Facebook by state? It seems like a very rough indicator of popularity, since it's biased towards people who regularly like companies and products on Facebook.

Man the article quality is really declining lately, I mean really a Facebook "study". Though shame on me for even clicking on a page that has According to Facebook in the title.

Facebook? Might as well poll stray dogs too.

Sales matter more than Facebook likes. I'm also willing to bet that a lot of those likes from people who have neither of the current generation consoles....

Judging from the comments in this article, the Sony fanboys are in a state of denial over a completely non-accurate poll someone made.

But X-Box still gets two senators! The injustice!

The map isn't an accurate representation of anything, and remember that states have drastically different levels of population. Plus this is only based on the people who actually took the time to 'Like' the console on Facebook.

If people take Facebook likes as a reliable source of facts then I'm more worried about them than the outcome of the study.

I have!

The console war is still raging on???

Not really more people live in the states that are blue then in the states that are green.

And what happens if 1 month half of the sales go to Xb1 and PS4, and the next month it goes back to Xbox 360 and Ps3? Does that mean that for 1 month they are current gen, and the next they are back to "next gen"?

I don't know why people accept these subjective definitions. Before XB1 and PS4 came out, they were the

This map seems incorrect by color, since the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One almost 2:1 at the moment. I know those numbers are worldwide sales, but last I heard, PS4 was outselling Xbox One in America as well.

Can we stop calling the current generation of consoles "next gen"?

Now playing

I prefer Final Fantasy IX's Chocobo song, rather than the one you linked.