
More competition is always good. But I'm guessing they aren't interested in competing on the same level. But honestly, even if Apple and Google got in on the console wars — hell, thrown Steam in, too — this might get a little ridiculous. I doubt that they would all survive. Also, Android is great, I agree. But most of

I wise writer once told me that you have a limited amount of exclamations you can use in your career as a writer. And every time you use an exclamation point, you come closer to your death. I would like to add that using them when nothing at all is being exclaimed is one of the most horrible things a writer can do.

Yeah, this didn't inspire any reservations in me. Good for them — more options are always better. I think the hed for this article was a little misleading and doomsday-ish. Also, what are Xboxen? Not tryinmg to give you a hard time joke, and I'm aware it was a typo. Henceforth, however, the plural for Xbox should be

In hindsight of today's announcement regarding XBone policy changes: "We're taking feedback and we're absolutely listening to what's out there there. But I don't want people to take that statement to think that our policy isn't our policy." LOL

You're forgetting the fact that property rights exist. I buy a car, I lend the car and I sell the car because it's my property. Things like digital downloads remain the property of the company that made it, not the user (or consumer). This is called a predatory practice. I don't have any problems with the innovation.

Less than a month, technically. They only made these announcements on May 21.

This was a very interesting point-counter-point conversation. While I wholeheartedly agree with most of the complaints offered by Luke and Kirk, I agree with Stephen's primary hypothesis: They played the game the wrong way. I played the game much the same way as Stephen did, and I enjoyed it despite its myriad

While I agree that this sequence was a bit frustrating and that the fault lies with the game developers, it's obvious that you let your frustration get the best of you. When this happened to me,m I stopped, looked around and tried to do something other than that which was causing me to repeatedly die in the same

While I currently feel like I'm over AC games for the moment (the games didn't continue in the direction, story-wise, that I had hoped they were going to, and the gameplay got incredibly stale even as they continued to implement innovations), this is a question that has has been bouncing around in my head since AC:

Attacking a straight friend by use of a humorous gay jab is how many straiht guys playfully attack the other's sexuality or "manliness." It is not meant to be offensive to gay people, but is is meant to be somewhat offensive to a straight man. A straight man can be accepting of homosexuality while simultaneously not

I think this article would have been a lot better if it included examples — screenshots of some particularly interesting tweets. Don't you think?

What's that asterisk and No. 1 denoting a footnote all about?

Best article from Kotaku throughout the entire day. Interesting, insightful, promising. Something I couldn't have gotten even had I been there myself. Thanks for this. Of course, this information doesn't sell me on the Bone, but it doesn't make me cringe or scoff with cynicism either.

I thought we were a shallow culture.

Thanks for the update, but you may want to change that information in the headline as its deceptive. However, it is sort of a new IP, just one under the over-arching Tom Clancy namesake.

Eh, mountain out of a molehill just to have an article to write. This is gaming. Trash talk is a part of the culture — a culture that doesn't usually concern itself with being super-PC. While women's issues are important and harassment of females in online gaming is out of control. This kinda thing is the stuff you

Why keep posting these one-liner articles? This stuff is better-suited for live tweets. When you have something more substantial or detailed, then write an article. This is what happens when you have a video game journalism blog site that doesn't hire actual journalists and only hipster bloggers. (I don't necessarily

Why is this article on here? What does this have to do with anything your audience would be interested in?

This is the first article I've read that has offered and real criticism of the game and its design. I, myself, loved the chaotic combat that is signature Bioshock. But I agree that I didn't like some things (like any game I've played really).

So fgar every Bioshock article I have read on this site has been absurdly critical of a game that was the most interesting I've played in a while. Do positive article not get read? Do you decide what to write based on SEO? I'm not saying that any critique of this game is un-called for, but, to me, it seems like you