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    It is wireless between device and charger. No cables need to be connected to your device, just the charger. You have to get the power from somewhere, true wireless charging like you claim would mean you change something like oxygen into energy to charge your device. It has to have a power source to charge your device.

    Facebook, the NSA that people willingly give their info to.

    Just disable flash in Chrome settings. Problem solved.

    The Nexus 6 is not a flop. It’s priced for what it gives you. The iPhone 6 plus equivalent costs twice the money for an unlocked phone. The problem the Nexus 6 originally had was a supply issue.

    For Kraft, anything other than being exonerated should not be accepted. If you didn’t do it, you didn’t do it.

    Interesting what did they get “caught” doing? Evidence proved no tampering. It clearly would have taken McNally more than 90 seconds to accurately deflate the footballs when the officials didn’t have enough time to test more than 4 Colts footballs, which 3 were under 12.5 and used in the second half. The term deflator

    The NFL wants to pretend that integrity is their purpose. Then explain how it’s so important when you don’t even calibrate your tools and log the PSI of the footballs for every team? Can’t weigh more than 4 Colts footballs because it would take too long but a boy can go to a locker room and accurately displace a

    It’s like people forgot about Apple and their DRM issues from before. I understand what they want people to believe and how much Apples loves to make money. Apple is one of the biggest manipulators of their consumers in the industry today. We tend to call it marketing though.

    I’m pretty sure they have advanced a lot more than you are referring. Drones or rail guns perhaps. There have been many advances. Military equipment as a whole has a life expectancy. There just isn’t enough money to make a new carrier, a new fighter plane, new subs, or new anything every year. Stealth technology is

    I'm a fan of science, I'm also religious. The two can co-exist. Just because you don't understand or believe one of them doesn't make it false.

    Wouldn't 'Intel comes to the table with their own smart watch concept.' be a more fitting title to the article? Did Apple invent the smart watch, how can you challenge something that isn't even available. I'm pretty sure Pebble, Samsung Gear, LG, and Moto 360 to name a few companies would be more fitting as the

    Didn't see that in the article. In life, nothing is really free. The free version could be ad supported, something Microsoft is familiar with already with Office. The saying "when it looks too good to be true, it usually is", keeps running around in my head every time I read an article on this.

    Or they are adding a subscription based model giving you the first year for free and paying up each year after that. It may come with software assurance so when Windows 11 comes out you just keep paying your monthly/yearly fee. They already did this with Office 365. Satya Nadella the new CEO over at Microsoft is

    There is more to an OS other than the user interface that changes. XP is not the OS you're looking for. Aside from the confusing dual personality of Windows 8 it outperforms Windows 7 and XP. Indexing, multiple cores, and DirectX upgrades are just a couple reasons to upgrade from XP. I'd like to see your proof of

    The big push Microsoft has been making and I don't see the trend changing is software as a service. I'm willing to bet these upgrades are a one year free subscription, after which you will have to pony up money to keep your system up and running. Microsoft would be shooting themselves in the foot if this was the

    The one place you went to for advise and electronics died to the hand of focusing on selling services. The moment the stepped away from "you got question, we've got answers" and started their would you like phone service with your batteries it was just a matter of time. I'm not talking cell phone service either.

    Unless that infrastructure is called the Keystone Pipeline... Which is pretty sad.

    The title of your article is horrible. It isn't a CD DJ deck to begin with, to say it doesn't play CD's just sounds stupid. Your article could have said something like the "Pioneer's XDJ ditches CD drive going all out in favor of USB input." The article eludes to what is really going on, many may not read your

    While, I am against the bloatware and miffed by why AT&T does it, at least you can uninstall it. That Nexus 6 is looking rather nice, just don't have a reason to let go of my Nexus 5 at the moment. Can't wait for Lollipop.

    I'd just leave him alone. He probably thinks his PS4 already is 8k resolution and packs a fusion reactor in it. Some people will never get it, they want to feel they bought something that is better than what they bought.