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    Baby Yoda deserves a name and to be with his parents.  Anything less won’t sit well with me.

    You can turn off the assists, you’ll race better when you do. I think it’s an awesome expansion. If you like real race tracks then the Forza Motorsport series is better suited for you. But if you’re into racing games, you should already know that.  Horizon has always been the arcade like counterpart.  

    It’s Solo...  I don’t believe they were ever divorced, just widowed.

    Maybe just maybe because it’s not called Rise of the Skywalker’s, that instead of a New Jedi Order due to the flaws of the Jedi, that the Skywalker Order embraces the will of the force perhaps balance of the force rather than light vs. dark.  That’s the beauty of this.  Personally if you can’t accept what they give

    For me personally. I don’t believe he had the freedom everyone thinks he had with major plot points. In other words, do whatever you want, but Episode IX will need to have X outcome. I believe this confined him a bit so he chose character depth for TLJ and Disney gave him his own trilogy because of how limited he was

    New title can’t get here soon enough.

    It’s been almost a whole day and my post from yesterday is still pending.  Since this site likes to censor comments I'm going to block this website so it no longer gets my clicks.  Bye Felicia!

    It’s more probable than not. That Goodell lied and has zero integrity.

    I don’t understand if it’s so important to have the screen space, then why not just ditch the camera almost nobody uses. The last thing I do on my phone is take pictures of myself. If someone is that dead set on taking selfies, isn’t that what a selfie stick is for? It’s not a feature I’m buying a phone for. This

    You act like Apple doesn’t have outdated out of use smartphones doing exactly as you’ve described about Android. I know people with old iPhones just on WiFi to play that one exclusive they can’t play on Android. It’s sad people are more focused on hating what they don’t have instead of enjoying what they do.

    This isn’t being marketed as essential. It’s being marketed as a console gaming powerhouse that plays games in 4k at 60 fps. You pay a premium for it and consumers know this. It’s up to them to decide which features they want to pay for.

    Strange, all I get are compliments on photos I take with my Nexus 6. Perhaps your taking photos wrong.

    How come Suh got off with a $70k fine for a repeat offense of intentionally causing harm to another player when he stepped on Aaron Rodgers leg? Which is a game integrity incident. He denied he did it even with video proof.

    They confessed because they were caught red handed. The Patriots didn’t do anything so they have no proof of tampering. There is a huge difference. Nobody is going to admit they did something when they didn’t just to appease someone else.

    I own a PS4 and an Xbox One. As far as games, they all look great. I really don’t notice a difference while playing and some of the games I have for both systems. The one thing that sets the Xbox One apart is how it works with other components. My Xbox One I can turn on and my TV, DirecTV, my surround sound, and my

    I tried to get the same deal, had the same problem as others where adding it to the cart kept having issues. First time got all the way to checkout and it failed, each following attempt said it was already in cart and couldn’t be added. Finally it said the offer ended. So I cancelled my prime account.

    Everything I saw was marked up a lot before the discounts if those percentages were correct. I’m not saying what I saw weren’t deals but they definitely screwing with the markup. I actually saw a lightning deal I wanted, put the item in my cart and wouldn’t let me check out with it. I kept trying to add it to my cart

    That ham though... Can’t believe I missed out.

    Something being easier is just being more familiar with it.

    Apple, if you don’t like it, that’s it. Android, if you don’t like Sony, you could get Samsung, LG, Nokia, HTC, or other device that you might like. Is Apple wrong? Not at all, but if you don’t like what you get, you don’t have choices. Though on the flip side if you like a feature that one device has, the other might