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    Microsoft is not falling or going anywhere. Windows 8 may not be something everyone wants, but neither was Vista or ME. Following ME, XP was awesome. Following Vista, Windows 7 was awesome. There is no desperation, don't fool yourself. Go look up how much market share Microsoft has on Desktop OS's. Windows 8

    Not safe enough that you should put gloves on when applying to old console parts. Yet safe enough for your hair.

    This just in, Apple wins patent on Google Cardboard. Apple says they innovate once again.

    You're not supposed to put your iPhone in your eye. That's not why it was named iPhone not eyePhone.

    It's not VR then. There is more to this than just cardboard. I figured it wouldn't take long before someone would come with a way to say their iPhone already did this. Read the article...

    You call it bloat, I call it an all-in-one place to go where I need to hang out with friends online.

    Only people who said that we were going in to a post-PC world is media with nothing to write about. Jumping on a bandwagon of Tablets are the future was just a myth people came up with. Microsoft themselves were trying to jump on board with trying to blur the lines giving a laptop powered tablet with laptop

    A lot better than just throwing 1 dart, like dating sometimes it is a numbers thing. Date 15 people and you have better chances at finding someone that is compatible than just dating 1 person.

    Saw a pretty cool demo of this being played at E3 in 12k resolution on a PC. Believe it was on youtube and easy enough to look up.

    Nothing can be said that hasn't been said already. The unfortunate part this request for feedback will be nothing more than the FCC playing PR stunt to say they listened to what people had to say. Yet listening doesn't mean squat if they don't hear what people are saying. My bet is they move forward without much

    The thing that makes me uncomfortable is the fact that this problem existed for 10 years before being discovered. We're technically all lucky someone didn't exploit this before it was. The patch is there for Android devices, like Ryan mentioned the Nexus line is patched if the person has updated. This will be

    I'm targeting this statement here to show you why it shouldn't be the FCC. "In other words, the internet's been pretty successful under the FCC's watch, so it doesn't make sense to pass it off to a new agency like the FTC". It has been successful under the FCC's watch just the way it is. Basically the internet

    Incredible my ass. Looks like garbage. Video talks about things done for many years is groundbreaking.... for them maybe. Rockstar has been doing this for a while. Incredible though, have you seen GTAV trailer for PS4, Xbox One, and PC? We are either going have to re-write what incredible means, or raise the bar

    Nothing Microsoft will ever do is going to change the mind of how the iSheep buy their apple products. It could have 100x the specs, and do a million more things and they will just say it's not an apple product therefore it is cheap garbage. This isn't just apple, most people are brand loyal, and like to stay within

    Well last I checked the Bahama's aren't even US territory, and you need a passport to get there. I'm pretty sure there are many Americans that have houses all over the world that are not in US territory. I would speculate those people know and would expect this outside of the U.S.

    The one thing I see here that doesn't seem to be addressed is, the concept of putting your finger in your nose and mouth is not the greatest idea. Okay, perhaps if you want a nice booger dinner you could wash your hands first. The major reason I think this is a bad idea to promote is that people will be typing on a

    I love this statement... "With the recent falling out between the Obama and Karzai administrations, all US troops have to be out of Afghanistan by the end of the year." Because pulling out of this region has nothing to do with the US's plan to have all troops our of Afghanistan by the end of this year. It is really

    Looks a lot better, but looks as if they still have a ways to go. The patch over the face looks like garbage. One would think having the strap over your face would have some effect on your skin. Looks like it goes across his face in a straight line. While it is a huge improvement, it still looks lackluster.

    Something tells me if it were iGlass people would line up with their wallet open willing to pay double what Google Glass is, yet their version isn't creepy. Apple will then say they came up with the idea first, and their customers WILL believe them.

    Do a search for 12k gaming at CES 2014. Your just not on the bandwagon yet. Also at CES 2014, Visio is pushing out 55" 4k TV's for $999. Not relevant for another 10 years?