
@omgwtflolbbl: Nintendo has no intention of collecting from this guy. They know he'll probably in debt to them for the rest of his life. They're just using him as an example, a "this is what happens when you mess with us" message to pirates everywhere.

I'm sure they're also hoping there won't be another Final Fantasy that's as big a disappointment as XIII.

@mr_godot: I don't think his complaint was about the large amount of dialog, but about the way you're expected to play nanny to your entire crew and solve all their various personal issues.

@Bobby T.: Full agreement. I loved Crimson Skies, and can't help but think how amazing a 360 sequel would be.

@Mlata: People have gotten internet famous for doing much, much worse. And she actually does have a great deal of talent as a singer and voice actor, which is what she's better known for in Japan, anyway. Of course, this is the internet, so we're going to fixate on the cat photos instead.

This is a great idea. The Sith always got so little development next to the Jedi, it's nice to see them get fleshed out a bit more and I'm happy to see Bioware is exploring the different nuances within the concept.

@krushjudgement: It's a very mixed bag, I'd say. The Kirk-Spock-Bones relationship is one of the greatest character dynamics ever. It pretty much set the standard for the now classic "power trio" relationship in television.

@Bubbleman!: I think you're confusing popularity with nostalgia.

I love how Luke complains about Star Trek having unrealistic characters who don't behave believably (a legitimate complaint in several cases) and then the first example he holds up as an example of sci fi with realistic characters is...Star Wars.

God, every year this stupid rumor. Why can't people just go back and play FF7 again if they're that in love with it?

@choral_music: Nah, the later one he made in response to Jon Stewart's calling him out for the absurdity of the two above rants.

@choral_music: To be fair, he later apologized for that rant, and admitted that "I've been too over the top lately."

@nERVEcenter: I would say Keith is more the left analogue of Bill O'reilly than Beck. Because even though Keith gets mad and says a lot of dumb things (just like Bill) he seems to really believe in what he's saying and is just a passionate follower of a cause (also just like Bill.)

@TylDurden: What's ironic is that the two guys on Comedy Central are now more respectable journalists than anyone on any of the big news networks. Keith would be moving up in the world if he ended up on Comedy Central.

@Luis Garcia Ramirez: Not that any of this matters, because being popular is not the same as being right. In fact, why is it that when someone sees a news commentator they dislike, the first thing they do is attack their ratings? If ratings equaled credibility, the dog from Family Guy would be the most respected

@Givafuk: It's 2010. I know there's a recession, but...actually, that's a completely legitimate reason to ignore this rant. People wasting money on pointless luxuries they can't afford is what caused the recession in the first place. Luxuries such as buying a new TV just for one game when every other game works just

@Bizzenya: Doubtful, seeing as how the game was announced as being in 2-D all the way back in September, and Mario Wii didn't come out for two months after that.

Glad to see Mario Wii on the list. Proof that you don't need fancy graphics to succeed in this industry.