Yes and no. Originally he was just a random background character who happened to have an hourglass mark and hair somewhat similar to David Tennant's. Fans noticed and "Doctor Whooves" became an in-joke.
Oh no! People enjoying something! They must be stopped!
The image would have been funnier without the text. But then again, trying way too hard does seem to be your thing.
Here's an idea: maybe people just have different tastes than you.
This is pretty good timing, considering that the show just did a Metal Gear Solid parody in its latest episode.
A lot of people think you should be ashamed of playing video games if you're over the age of 13.
You complain about Harris "strawmanning" the entire gaming population, then proceed to lecture us on what kind of gaming women feel more "comfortable" doing, as if women were a single entity and none of them will ever want to play anything but Zelda, FF, and cheap phone games.
Jury's still out on Pandora, but Xenoblade and Last Story are definitely getting English versions for the European market. I think we can guess what the two most pirated Wii games in "the Americas" are going to be next year.
The Wii U has much more potential for innovation than the Vita, but Nintendo's presentation of it was a mess. All it ran were tech demos and old Wii games. And it placed so much emphasis on the controller that a lot of people ended up thinking the controller WAS the console.
I'm guessing the lack of an English Mother 3 has a lot to do with the fact that it's on hardware that is TWO GENERATIONS OUT OF DATE.
Failure is possible if you try. Failure is certain if you don't.
Correction: The Japanese title was changed to Xenoblade. It's entirely possible that it will still be called Monado when (and if) it comes out here.
So with the 3D, it's a gimmick, and without the 3D, it's worthless.
Sorry, but in the professional world, "the majority uses it" is a perfectly acceptable reason to use a piece of software. I can't count the number of times I've had my work stopped dead in its tracks because of the one guy in my office who insists on using a Mac for everything. Every time he does something, we get to…
Fun Fact: Osamu Tezuka, who for all intents and purposes invented anime as we know it, saw Bambi more than 50 times in one year. And this was decades before home video.
The Dreamcast launched years ahead of the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube, with technology that was superior to all other consoles at the time.
Helpful hint: Not everyone in the TV industry is Jane Espenson. You seem strangely pre-occupied with her. My advice: Ask her out already.
Sounds to me like he's making excuses. There are plenty of developers coming up with great new ideas on hardware that's inferior to the current consoles. New hardware doesn't magically make you more creative. You want better ideas, Ubisoft? Hire better people.