Wow. Talk about getting defensive.
They're being defined as a separate class because they ARE one. Class is all about perception. No one is saying that guys don't also have to deal with insults; but the tone, intensity, and frequency of those insults changes if you're a female gamer. Being treated differently in such a manner is the very definition of…
For the sake of context, it's probably worth mentioning that nineteen years isn't an unusual length of time to wait to immigrate to this country legally.
Yes, that's what we want, for Mario and Zelda to end up like Guitar Hero.
See, it's attitudes like this that prevent us from having mature religious discussions in games and elsewhere. There's always some zealot who thinks that the key to solving all the world's problems is for everyone to start agreeing with him; thus anyone who does not agree with him is an enemy of civilization itself.…
Crystal Skull is cheesy, impossible, historically inaccurate, and features a dues ex machina ending where Indy succeeds merely by being in the the right place at the right time.
Voice acting isn't actual acting? That's crap. It's as much acting as any other form. Just because you don't see the actor on screen doesn't make it any less difficult. In some ways, it makes it harder, because you can't fall back on body language to express yourself like normal actors do. You have to put your ENTIRE…
"You can't put all that responsibility on a young boy."
Well, google tells me that the world record for holding your breath without passing out is about nineteen minutes.
"And LOTS more than the Wii."
Honestly? Olin sounds like someone who got his feelings hurt on a forum. Yes, nerds can be jerks sometimes, but that's been true of every entertainment medium since long before the internet existed, and somehow creativity still exists.
I'm no huge NRA fan, but I think people who are looking for a political motive for this guy's writing are mistaken.
@DrForbidden: Isn't rule by consensus the whole foundation of democracy?
@gigawings: Maybe Homefront is meant to be a survival horror game? You walk through the creepy house and Kim Jong Il keeps jumping out of windows at you. Then he steals your meat.
Aliens are all about rules. Rules and mosquitoes.
@burninfidels: Fair enough. Personally I think a good love story is one of the hardest things to pull off in games (or any kind of fiction, really) so when one works, I'm very happy.
@TRT-X: That's correct. The character who ended up being called Prince Fluff was supposed to be the star. Someone at Nintendo decided the game would sell better with Kirby in the mix so he got thrown in.
@GeneralBattuta: The problem with that argument is that the belief in God IS special and meaningful, just on a practical level. I don't recall people fighting any wars over belief in Santa Claus. I don't think anyone's ever given millions to charity in the name of the tooth fairy. And I don't recall either figure…
@lankist: That is an incredibly simplistic view of the concept, which sounds very similar to the ultra-religious argument of "you either believe in my God or you don't. Everyone who does not subscribe to my particular religion is the same."