The fact that he reminisced about the time he got in a fight on the field during his farewell announcement is a pretty good indicator that his career is one that is devoid of successful, memorable moments.
The fact that he reminisced about the time he got in a fight on the field during his farewell announcement is a pretty good indicator that his career is one that is devoid of successful, memorable moments.
I guess the cops could put on a Phish shirt and sell dime bags of weed to unsuspecting people before arresting them. That seems like a horrible waste of police funds and unnecessary work.... but I guess I should never underestimate the ridiculousness of some police departments.
Your own appearance matters as well. I have really short hair and a squarish face. I look like a cop basically. People are not going to go out of their way to help me out. My sister on the other hand, has dreadlocks. I've literally watched people walk up to her and ask her if she wants to get high with them.
I know its bullshit when players demand new contracts...but Wilson has been to 2 fucking superbowl the hell he isn't already making real NFL money is beyond me. There is being a good, team player and there is being a sucker, and I'm beginning to think Wilson is the ladder.
haha, touche....good call.
Odom smokes crack, he doesn't snort or "bump" cocaine, so this joke is a stretch.
Excellent write-up. I really enjoy watching bad movies like this. I feel like there needed to be greater emphasis on this fact though: The stung double FUCKING DIED filming the zip line scene. That is insane! Not only did he die, but the zip line scene was still used! When watching the movie, did you see any sort of…
I found that the goat actually provided some context, meaning, and worth to the video clip.
Hello, I am a big red pimple that is about to burst. I represent the anti-Clearasil group. Pimples and zits should be allowed to live freely without worrying about total annihilation by isopropyl alcohol.
Plus, you've got the whole Durant and Augustin Texas connection for good team chemistry and mojo.
Harvey Point would be the perfect and likely spot for this sort of thin. It is right in the middle of North Carolina farming country. My dad has a house on the water in this area. We have driven around Harvey Point. Thousands of acres are surrounded by barbwire fences, cameras, and signs that warn of blasting areas.
Darren Sharper went to the same high school as me. He was recently removed from the high school's hall of fame. There wasn't really a precedent for this, and the voters weren't sure they could do it, but did it anyway. Because you know, rapist and all.
Aren't hookers and cocaine the ultimate Super Bowl snack?
Wonderful. Lotta people drinking haterade today...
Great read. UVA is a pretty revered in Virginia, and I think you captured the nuanced reality of the university wonderfully. I do not know how much will actually change as a result of the Rolling Stone piece, but I do think it is telling that the story had to come from a place like UVA for any traction to develop.
I've always thought that one summer day, I will wonder down to the catfish hole. I'll bait my hook, toss in a line, and promptly reel in an 18 pound Manny Pacquiao.
But.... you didn't actually refute anything the author or her friend wrote. They pointed out the good points in the email, and they pointed out the cringeworthy ones. Name-calling isn't a rebuttal.
Any off-the-cuff advice to throw in there as well?
Why is it that the number 1 and 2 seeds could/will face each other in the 2nd round?