
12 year olds with closely monitored iPods. Answering for a friend.

Make this movie.

I'm really happy for this, but I'm sick of a Steam flaw. Why does it say "Play Game" for Free To Play games? They're not all downloaded to my computer, so it should say "you own this, download it." not "you own this, play it." Also, to my knowledge, you can't remotely download a free to play game, which is another

Now playing

Holy balls is that this guy? Because I love this video.

I have no doubt that this will probably be a piece of shit of a movie, but the stereotype of "80s arcade record holders" is nailed by that cast. Anyone who's seen King of Kong can tell you that. Peter Dinklage looks exactly like a condensed Billy Mitchell.

I don't exactly agree, but I'm recommending for the benefit of discussion.

Captain America is one of the only characters that, symbolically, needs to be Aryan. That's why it was a big deal when he punched Hitler. And, in bold, italics, and all-caps, THAT ONLY APPLIES TO STEVE RODGERS, NOTORIOUS HITLER-PUNCHER AND OLD MAN. This article is sortof worn already, so nobody may read this, or if

In which way? Every wave has a Maxwell in a costume from the game. Or are you talking about Poison Ivy? Or Tin? Or Wonder Woman? Kinja isn't exactly precise.


Holy shit. Admittedly, at first I thought that he programmed it all on the fly, and I was very confused.

Isn't Newell big on autosports? I feel like I've read that before.

Hey! I made a wicked Cherry Brolling level this weekend! It took my like 6 hours! It's called "Cherry Example." I'd love feedback!

It'll be back.

Looks like somebody's behind. . .


This is the darkest timeline.

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That's just this. An unholy machine, for a godless era.

Now playing

I want more wingsuits. If I can't swoop into an enemy base, silently taking out baddies like my hero Snake Eyes, why do we have games?

Of note, there are no Korra action figures. Just thought I'd put that out there.