
I got "Goatee dye and flavoring" and I'm horrified that that exists.

Adblock breaks the website for me now. Very upsetting.

I can see a Zelda where you play as femLink or Zelda.



What ThePunchlineisMachismo/ManlyGuysDoingManlyThings is that from?

I've always been a really big fan of the "overlapping" Mario universe. That sort of uniform nonconformity sucks me in.

Isn't arcade Kong technically Cranky Kong? I think I've heard that somewhere.

"You don't get it, do you? This mud, in front of us, isn't mud. This is a foundation. And me? I'm a carpenter. Now allow me to build you a cage."

Where's that idiot who though it was just like a pizza hut pizza, and not an MRE? I forgot to witch-hunt him last time.

I think it was done first try, by luck.

Nah, the Waid run is the current run, I'm too young to have read many good, old comics. I just remember a particularly clever scene where Daredevil fought Stilt-Man, and removed his glove in order to feel a seam in the stilts, in an effort to destroy his mechanical legs.

Yeah, pretty shy, kind of sad looking. Not great at sports, either.

It's eshop so it's probably like 5-10 bucks.

I knew that guy's son. Acted exactly like the son of an overly temperamental man paid to have a temper.

I wasn't. I've read a lot of the Waid run. It's super. I just need volumes 6-on to come out in TPB. I didn't know about the "with gloves" bit though.

You is kind, you is special, you is important.

Yeah, see, it's this first, then it's;

Nothing. No matter the game, no matter how long I've owned and loved it, any friend with fifteen minutes is instantly turning me into a fine paste. It's very annoying.

Looks cool and like it would be hostile. It's an alpha, so there's not too much.