
Nah, they do that with some parts of the Navy and Jezebel went on about how it was discrimination because women all failed the test. I then read several hundred comments about how the Navy Seal's should drop the standards and change the criteria to more woman friendly tasks like "How fast you can defrag a computer"

Well you're not. And they didn't, a bunch of black people chose to do something. Have those black people silenced to soothe your white guilt, you've already convinced yourself you know best.

Actually sexual harassment is illegal in the EU regardless of employment relationship. If I groped a woman, or snuck into their toilets I'd be facing sexual assault charges.

Well that's reality for you.

Sounds more like that black man is exploiting those women.

In the UK they found a white guy with 7 baby mothers who was living on state welfare and he was held up as an example of scum on the Jeremy Kyle show and in all the papers.

I'm a straight white male, but everything you said here makes complete sense to me and I 100% support this comment.

The show is not racist though.

Noble indeed.

So let me get this right.

UTI's, Swollen Prostate, Phimosis

Do you have a favourite urinal too?

There's nothing wrong with "wanting to punch" someone that purposefully invades your privacy while you are vulnerable.

Moral of the story:

Yes, I've done the reading. All the evidence suggest that outside of classical Greece, these things where already known. Semetic documents from the same time show a clear knowledge to the contrary.

There's 2,300 years between the works of Aristotle and the 17th century.

Based on?

"That's interesting because much later on, when they realised that a woman didn't have to climax in order to conceive, the idea of a woman enjoying sex was considered far less important."

Always the dumping. I never let it last long enough to turn to resent. Better that I move on and try someone else than force people to change to suite me all the time.

"No one is trying to bully you."