
"I'm actually a biologist"

Stop thinking it's a competition?

Moral of the story:

You just became the "nice guys" spoken about here.

"I actually tend to date my friends, but we never specifically become friends with the goal of eventual fucking."

I just got a 10% pay rise on my annual salary.

Oh goodness. I know that feeling of suddenly remembering a moment you wish you could forget seemingly at random.

Sounds like you're not Biowares target audience in all honesty.

Think of it as a quality of life issue. If you get broadband, and cable you're never going to go back to an antenna unless you can't afford to maintain the better system.

Bioware try to put romance options in all of their games. Girl on girl romance action has existed in their games for years. Over the last two years they've decided that guy on guy action is also required to cater to male homosexual players. It adds appeal to homosexual males and they want to appeal to everyone as much

Any tips for those of us considering resignation?

Any tips for those of us considering resignation?

Any tips for those of us considering resignation?

I'm in 3 guilds in Guild wars 2.

Please don't teach them any Schwyzer rhetoric, he's not what feminists like to think he is.

Wait a second?

Hugo attempted to murder an ex-girlfriend. Openly admits sleeping with and manipulating his female students in order to have sex with them. He has also been accused of sexually assaulting them in the past.

"It cannot be proven that the Pope does not hate homosexuals and women"- The onus of proof is on the person making the accusation in all of common law.
