
I agree with the last paragraph.

No this article defines any less than a rose-tinted view of fat people as hatred and bigotry. (I'm speaking about the dangerously overweight, not the vanity defined version of weight)

You say shaming is not the solution but neither is encouraging them to continue as is.

Normalising weight problems is in no way a healthy or wholesome activity.

I don't need to prove anything to you. I'm happy with who I am.

You've just highlighted a point where the European/UK system delivers.

Woof Woof!

My dick started leaning left before I was developed enough to have to start wearing it down one leg.

Ever rolled over onto your arousal almost crushing it?

Broken bones, cuts and the flu all carry a potential to be deadly in the short term.

"Antibiotics. Does that mean we shouldn't use them to treat non-life-threatening bacterial infections, like the flu?"

It's not anti-trans' to find paying for elective surgery against your will disagreeable.

I don't know but at this rate they'll probably employ her as a regular writer.

You could change it today.

And I'm sure there are trans-people that would tell you they do not personally object to the term sex-change. You're not the voice of the Romani, in Europe most Roma prefer the term Roma and will forgive traveller but you don't call them gypsies unless you are aiming to cause offence.

Try being a man that wakes up with a rock hard erection everyday (Most men do).

Who needs statistics when the national republican movement has never managed a rally of above 100 people.

Well Bay is in no way mediocre, so what does that make your point?

"when there as many successful female mediocrities as male, that's when you know it's actually equal"