
Thank you for your rational comments. This is a sad and difficult situation for all involved; unfortunately it's brought out a lot of ignorant, naive and/or judgmental-as-fuck commenters.

Yeah, sorry. That doesn't mean you get decide that parents should have to go through a lifetime of becoming the constant caregivers for child with serious birth defects because the other option makes you feel bad.

Most kids with down syndrome tend to have heart defects that require multiple surgeries. Gammy's heart problem isn't a separate issue, it's a hand in hand part of his condition. Usually affects about 80% of downs kids I believe? Along with various other health and mental issues. It's a case by case basis but one of

if she's carrying someone else's baby, then it's not really "her body, her decision". She's being PAID to gestate for someone who is unable. She is NOT gestating her own child.

It's driving my cat crazy, but I'm laughing my ass off.

Well, I agree that it's hugely ableist but the reality is that the vast majority of women who test positive for Down Syndrome do abort. How about we rail against the social structures that make it so that it is incredibly difficult to get the support needed to raise a disabled child even in the developed world, and

I agree. I don't remember where I read it recently but this happened to a surrogate who was religious and refused to abort. Honestly I hate to say it, you are choosing to be a vessel for the baby, the eggs are not your own.... So shitty situation? Yes of course. But definitely need to honor the wishes of the parents.

I lived in a small town and had been dating a guy who was kind of shady, but I didn't have any proof that he was seeing other women. One day I was getting my hair done and talking, as one does, to the stylist about my situation. I notice the woman next to me listening to me rather intently. She suddenly interrupted

I was 20 and living with my first serious boyfriend who was a few years older than me. One weekend, my mom was out of town and I had agreed to house sit for her while she was gone. I had spent the night at her house by myself and when I got up in the morning, I realized I hadn't brought a pair of slacks with me to

Good for you, you judgmental prick.

Unless she was trying to find that connection with him in their lovemaking. She could have chosen to have sex with him for a thousand reason that we'll never know. I don't presume to know her motivations and neither should you.

'Full Jaden Smith' is my new favorite phrase.

How is Onika Tanya Maraj doing? How does she truly feel about Nick Minaj right now?

People, if anything like this happens to you or someone you're responsible for, hire a lawyer. Do not depend on the DA's office, the police, or the school's counsel to look out for your best interests. No matter how nice they are, and no matter how much they might care, they don't represent you.

As someone who was told that I should think about ruining a "friend's life" by a (male) doctor at the student health center when I was 17, I can say that there is a lot of reinforcement for this idea. I wish women wouldn't believe it, but there's a lot of pressure to blame yourself and keep your mouth shut.

Balls=male. You are equating strength and courage with being male to the exclusion of females. feminism 101. try a new headline please. Especially since tackling late term abortion is something that people with ovaries do!

What I don't understand is why the clinic would even spell out why she wouldn't be considered for the job. It's rare when a potential employer will be honest about why you aren't a candidate and just say "your resume will be kept on file"/standard language. I would've seen her lawsuit and attention-seeking nonsense

It's a trap!

So why doesn't Sara apply at one of the many hospitals/physician practices affiliated with the Catholic Church in the Tampa area? I'm sure they'd be happy to have her.

This is awesome, I'm going to apply to work at Starbuck's and then tell them my religion forbids me from serving people caffeinated products. And then I'm going to apply at McDonald's and tell them that I will not be serving anyone any beef products because I'm a Hindu and see how far that goes. And then I'm going