
Yeah, but from women?

"Though their sources indicate that the attack didn't come from a state actor, this first strike opens up a whole new world of cyber warfare." No. No. No it didn't. That world was already opened up by Israel and the US via Stuxnet. Every single article about cyber warfare, and especially any article about cyber

I'm sorry, but this is a much more offensive appropriation of black culture than anything Miley Cyrus has ever done.

Hmm, I guess America really was more united 40 years ago. And also, I guess the West Coast really is more progressive than the rest of the country. It was really interesting to see the South hop on to the Emma train after it had been done left the station in the blue states. Also, of course Mississippi and South

ahahaha tenant's rights in San Francisco.

Hate to get all Marxist on this, but isn't it a little naive to assume that gender equality will come under less restrictive beauty norms as long as we live in today's aggressively capitalist society? Won't there always be an industry that plays on people's insecurities in order to get them to buy shit that supposedly

Jonny Stew especially has been on a tear since he got back, and at exactly the right time too. Colbert's been getting a little too into himself as of late. I tune in for cutting satire, not to marvel at his enunciation abilities.

Was disappointed by his last book, which was the only one of his I read. He seemed too satisfied with his own writing to bother to tell truly bold stories. Is this illegal though? Parodying the cult-like new age nature of Silicon Valley is not a unique idea, and we also don't know where he takes the story. And also,

Really? She seemed to me like a "crazy bitch" stereotype who also represented all the distasteful things about American society. I assumed at some point they were going to reveal that Skyler and Marie had a traumatic childhood because what else would explain why they were both so messed up? The whole klepto thing

Really? She seemed to me like a "crazy bitch" stereotype who also represented all the distasteful things distasteful about American society. I assumed at some point they were going to reveal that Skyler and Marie had a traumatic childhood because what else would explain why they were both so messed up? The whole

I thought Skyler and Walt's last scene was kind of touching actually. I'm glad he finally admitted that he did it for himself. She deserved that.

Esquire sometimes is a destination for really good journalism. Charles P Pierce's politics blog is a national treasure. They even publish fiction from time to time. I would hope that a channel with the Esquire brand would not try totally to compete with Spike and instead produce a few high-quality documentaries, maybe

Yeah, but the Western setting would be much more of an affect when you're dealing with the congealed amalgamation that is the greater Los Angeles area. I dunno. It's fun to speculate.

Riverside California.

Yeah, once he decided to set the show in Albuquerque, he really went whole hog on the John Ford aesthetic. It really makes one wonder what it would have looked like if it ended up being set in Riverside like he planned.

I accidentally saw some season 3 episodes that AMC was airing in its lead-up marathon, and it sort of got me thinking. At what point had Gus decided to kill Walt? Was it before or after the Aztek hit-and-run? Perhaps one of Breaking Bad's weaker points is that mines our latent racism/prejudice against Latinos for the

Though I will say, if you're getting your weed from a violent criminal organization, you're definitely doing it wrong.

Miley's on point about cocaine, but I think much of that is the cultural stigma. People can have really life-affirming experiences on coke. It should be reclaimed from Wall Street and Hollywood executives.

Texas is forward thinking? Possession of the smallest amount of marijuana in Texas is still "possession of dangerous drugs" and can land you with a 6 month sentence.

I remember having that ethical dilemma. Then I read about conflict minerals in smartphones and I realized that holding the consumer responsible for the iniquities of capitalism amounts to blaming the victim. Consequently, I have felt much less guilt shopping at Wal-Mart.