
Wait, isn't pumpkin spice just cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice? This has to be one of the biggest grifts corporate America has pulled since the idea of diamond engagement rings.

When have I said anything that isn't true and independently verifiable? People have claimed exactly those sorts of horror stories about the 1970s if Bill DeBlasio gets elected (though admittedly I threw in the Son of Sam for dramatic effect).

You really are like a character of a Gizmodo reader. Rationality above all, unless of course your rationality leads you to question authority. And of course, let's narrow the debate to only "Do you agree with me or are you crazy".

What have I said that is unrealistic? The NYPD has spied on rafting trips by Muslim Student Associations. They do have offices in Israel. There are documented cases of NYPD lieutenants telling officers "Let's go out and violate some rights." The NYPD does have a massive surveillance program (google "NYPD Domain

No one's saying that Apple designed it with the back door in mind or that there even is a back door. I'm just saying that one should always be skeptical whenever the NYPD tells a lot of people to do something. I think you're right in that Occam's Razor does apply. You could go through a series of explanations and

Sorry, Tel Aviv

"1. Apple partnered with the police department of one city in the world and created a major software update with the purpose of letting that police department spy on the citizens of that one city. This purpose was, of course not supposed to be made public, but for some reason, the police department in question has put

"And either way, the NYPD is not encouraging people to upgrade for nefarious reasons. They just want to reduce the number of stolen iPhones." No but see this is where we disagree, because you for some reason believe everything the NYPD says.

My point is that even if the NSA isn't using it to spy on people, the NYPD is just as likely to do so, and the net effect would be the same.

You're right. The NYPD is worse. The NSA's never tagged along on kayaking trips put on by Muslim Student Associations.

Upworthy is the one thing that all the "George Soros controls the left" people might have a point about.

It does give you a nice perspective though on what Chinese food restaurants must look like to people actually from China.

"The first mixer is already plnned, wih the Amherst bball team this Friday (actually their idea!)"

Whatever happened to the idea that war and the military were inherently patriarchal?

"You just legalize it and then, like, the government could tax it. How has nobody thought of this before?"

They're great if they're the person actually selling you the pot though.

Because all of America is a spiritual death trap.

However, I tend to draw the line at snarking on cultural tourism when people actually end up taking their life in their hands.

Piece of advice: If you find yourself calling any woman, much less a whole chorus of them "harpies", please rethink your existence on this planet.

I see complaints from Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, and California. Don't try to pass this one off on "flyover country".