Oh come on. Who needs facts when you've got jingoism?
Oh come on. Who needs facts when you've got jingoism?
Uh, you forgot the number one easiest trick. Find the other introvert and head to the bar.
But what if you're dialectically materialistic?
But he was right about that headline, though. Like, y'all knew what you were doing.
A white guy intervenes in a rap battle to defend a woman and castigate a black man using fat-shaming insults. This is like an Inception-level can of worms. Wormz on wormz on wormz.
justfreevpn.com is always free. That's what I use to get my Al Jazeera fix, though it has a tendency for the passwords to change every hour or so
Because there's no way it could be pulled off by filthy A-Rabs. Honestly, the undercurrent of racism (9/11 was way too complicated to be pulled off by some towelheads in a cave. It had to be the US government) the most hilarious part of trutherism.
But why do they got to bump out Tamron Hall, another black woman, to do it? They should give her 12 o clock.
By annoying, you mean amazing. Were you this pissed off all the other times Katy Perry had a rapper feature on it?
"She'll eat your heart out, like Jeffrey Dahmer" like, how can you hate on that?
"I don't think anybody held a gun to Mary Lambert's head" In the record industry, people can come pretty damn close. Performers are often forced to do shit they don't want to do. Contracts mayne
Wait. Does this mean that the original Lean In was for people who DIDN'T graduate college?
I mean, my purposes for doing something are always rather intensive.
Goddamnit Frank better go down this season. I'm tired of shows about white dudes acting like amoral assholes and getting rewarded for it.
Geed is GDI, as in God Damn Independent, as in not members of a fraternity.
I'm always amazed at how much contempt the average white dude college student has for feminism as an academic discipline. I'm sure this asshole would never have cheated on his chemistry test.
"Though their sources indicate that the attack didn't come from a state actor, this first strike opens up a whole new world of cyber warfare." No. No. No it didn't. That world was already opened up by Israel and the US via Stuxnet. Every single article about cyber warfare, and especially any article about cyber…
I'm sorry, but this is a much more offensive appropriation of black culture than anything Miley Cyrus has ever done.
Hmm, I guess America really was more united 40 years ago. And also, I guess the West Coast really is more progressive than the rest of the country. It was really interesting to see the South hop on to the Emma train after it had been done left the station in the blue states. Also, of course Mississippi and South…