Isn't this the same model Microsoft is proposing? Doesn't seem like the PS4 is all flowers and puppy dogs either...
Isn't this the same model Microsoft is proposing? Doesn't seem like the PS4 is all flowers and puppy dogs either...
At least they said SOMETHING. It was hard not to sniff out anyway, especially since it was a no-show last night.
I'm incredibly interested in Microsoft's response to Sony's punch in the face last night. There's still a LOT that's unclear, and I wonder if there will be any backpedalling.
Am I the only one that doesn't think this news is THAT awful? It doesn't really change the way I buy games and interact with my console currently. At all.
A great way to compete with all the F2P business going on. Hopefully it gets more people into the game!
I think the term "disaster" is a bit dramatic. Sure they witheld a lot of detailed information on how we would be experiencing games on the thing, but I'm sure they didn't want to get down to the nitty gritty during an hour press conference reveal. I didn't think the PS4 reveal was that great either. They didn't show…
An 'Xbox' button on an Apple keyboard. Cheeky.
Shouldn't the headline be: "People are just into good games"? Because the WiiU doesn't really have any...yet. I think the console will catch it's stride once good titles start rolling out.
There's something romantic about going to a record store and buying an actual record, with that big art, that cardboard smell, and knowing you're actually putting money into something you support. There's even some sonic benefit to buying vinyl (so long as it wasn't recorded digitally) and a lot of the RSD releases…
I still think LttP looks better than this. This new game looks so cluttered and all the models look so oversized. Am I alone here?
Man, you guys are really picking this one apart, huh? Do you think this game did LESS of a good job than any of the other First Person games out there? I sure don't. I certainly feel like first person perspectives have to give your character a sense of humanity through interactions/dialogue/facial expressions you have…
I'm not crying...I've just been chopping onions
The series needs a way bigger kick in the ass than simply switching gender roles. I agree that we're all tired of the young boy in green saving a trapped Princess, but I felt like they did a good job of developing that Zelda/Link connection in Skyward's just too bad the rest of the game was such shit.
This dude also got caught botting on stream in D3 after taking donations and subsequently getting banned by Blizzard. I never saw the appeal of actually sitting and watching most of these people, but I thought it was well known this dude was full of shit.
Easy on the coffee bud.
Well, we all saw that coming. Now the question is: did they fire him for being outspoken about future plans? Or for merely creating a PR shitstorm?
Impressive tech, but keep this shit far away from my guitar. Maybe Dave Matthews will figure out how to incorporate it into an awful song, but I want nothing to do with this.
This is such a pathetic poll. Any of the big banks, Exxon Mobil, Monsanto, Wal Mart are 100 times worse than a company who's DRM policy you don't agree with. Read the news, morons.
There is going to be backlash over these tweets. I'm calling it right now, Microsoft will issue a statement.
Such a ballsy move, if it's true. It does lend credibility to the 'no used games on Durango' rumor though. Everyone thought the Diablo 3 thing was loud? People are going to fucking lose their MINDS if this is true.