
Just so people know, Rockstar stated NOT to install the second disc (play disc) as the game was programmed to run off the disc.

There is an option in the menus to turn this feature on and off. So if you dont want to be bothered you can go into a, lets say, "airplane mode". So it wont be so bad.

Too unpredictable.

Game 3! That was the crazy back and forth one, I thought. 100 lings and 3 ultras in production to fend off at the 5th.

Went from six cups a day to one a week, myself. One of the best things I've done.

I'll go for the latter more than the former. His outburst caused the problem not his somewhat unknown ( cuz he didnt work for the division creating the next xbox) knowledge of the always online rumor.

They are, I'm going back through now and using a guide to help me find them. Some were just me being dumb and walking past a place without looking, some are tough though.

Did you find a lot of Vox's and the ciphers and chests and stuff? I searched everywhere I could but ended up with probably half to 60% of the voxophones only.

I always had tons and tons of lockpicks, usually 20+ and I was opening everything I found too.

On Vanillaware Gameplay:

Very few games let me plant a seed to grow a tree that will eventually sprout sheep, from which I can cook, and then use the remaining bone to bounce between two summoned tornadoes to defeat my foes.