
I feel like a higher difficulty lends itself really well to games that are supposed to be terrifying. The urgency of actual survival in-game couples particularly well with the generally "scary" atmosphere, sound design, and art. Hell, I played Dead Space on the highest difficulty, and loved every damn minute of it.

I thought it was just Rez *shrug*

Well...she's the only main character with a face...considering it's a first person title. Don't you think it would make sense to have a lot of art depicting her?

While I do wish this were a slightly tighter ship, as far as weeding out thoughtless trolls and flame baiters, I feel like the community here is by far and wide better than most other places on the internet. I miss ban mondays, and actually recognizing commenters thread-to-thread, but I still feel like more than half

Watching this is just a reminder of how LAME and vanilla the spells are in Skyrim...sigh.

These photos make me...uneasy. It looks like someone's holding a gun to their heads.

Well didn't Sony already say there will be no PS4 at E3? I guess there's our answer, even though I don't think they're exiting the hardware business.

Good riddance.

Nintendo's timing these days is worrisome. They've been known for add ons, sure...but something to fix poor design this early in a handheld's life cycle? I don't think this is a seems quite telling of Nintendo's uncertainty in the hardware world nowadays, and as a longtime Nintendo fan, it's terrifying.

Well, I'm shocked.

...I can't tell if that was sarcasm. Haha, because Starcraft 2 ads were ALL OVER TV weeks before the game came out.

There is no way this game is coming out in three weeks. Marketing has not ramped up, there were no official announcements, no press conferences...I'm actually surprised that this is even a headline.

How on earth would that ever work though? Inviting thousands of spectators into games? That would be a fucking disaster, even if Battle net allowed it. When I'm watching Starcraft, I don't want it to feel like I'm playing Starcraft. I want to sit back, have a beer and WATCH it.

The structure of these tournaments should really be amended too. Watching MLG live is, to be fair, a pain in the fucking ass. There are TONS of games played constantly by top players, and there are 15 minute lulls on BOTH streams between matchups. What the hell is that about? The open bracket is ridiculous too,

If you think that a franchise like Zelda would have some kind of deep, rich, lore that would carry over from game to're clearly not the brightest bulb. OF COURSE there are contradictions! Hell, I don't need some timeline to tell me that these games are completely mutually exclusive from one another.

There's always been a fair amount of overlap. No big deal.

Now playing

I thought this track had a nice melody, but I hated the lyrics. On another note, now that it's the end of the year, maybe we should pay attention to that song The National did for Portal 2.

I, for one, will miss your insight and genuine passion for this little community you've fostered. Thanks for everything, Brian. Hopefully I'll bump into you in the comments.

Wait, what? Did I miss Brian saying goodbye somewhere? I swear all I did was go on tour for 6 weeks and the internet falls apart!

...and Gamecube if you count Twilight Princess. That's exactly my point though...Nintendo is not exploiting this franchise for quick cash-ins, therefore this argument is completely invalid.