
God damn it. Zelda always falls right in line with console releases. Now we're getting a new Zelda that is going to look shitty compared to what Nintendo is apparently going to show this year. I almost wish they would just delay the title and rebuild it for the new console.

This information is highly confidential. Do you really think Nintendo would allow someone else to spill the beans on their new console to a gaming zine? It's not meant to sound official, that's what a press release is for, you know, at E3...

Makes always seems that big Zelda titles fall right before the next jump in technology for the company. If they actually do announce any kind of successor in the next year, I'd be fine with them extending production so that it launches with the new console. We got gypped with that GC port on Wii launch

I'm just an introvert :)

I'm the most anti-social, social-networker there is. I use things like Facebook and IM to keep people at an arms length. Most of these people are folks that I will never, ever, ever give my phone number to. Hell, anytime someone asks, I just say something like "Facebook me, we'll talk there" at which point they sit in

Funny, this is how I feel about most people.

More bloom!

If this is indeed is legitimate, it's quite insane. Multitasking like this is nutty. Someone get this man into the Starcraft pro scene.


*"The Vatican Claims the Nasty Internet Is Creating More Well-Informed Atheists"

Fantastic! All these Nintendo+Smiths mashups are giving me nerd chills. Well done, sir!


This is officially my favorite Kotaku headline ever. I'm going to pretend it was thought up with solely me in mind. Thank you Owen, haha.

Thanks for the heads up! :)

I'm just curious about how many of you would actually bring a laptop into a cafe to play hardcore FPS or RTS games. I look like a maniac when I'm playing SCII...I would never wish that sight upon any man, woman, or child.

Not necessary. This isn't BW :)

Tell that to the two guys I just roflstomped in ladder ;)

Hey thanks! I was completely unaware that a workaround existed. Let's just hope I'm savvy enough to get it running!

Boo, I happily play a shit-ton of SCII on my iMac :)

Assuming you're not a SC player, you should definitely check out some of the Code S stuff with Tasteless/Artosis commentary on GOM. It's wildly entertaining, and you'll definitely learn your way around the game after watching a few matches.