@American_N_Japan: I think $350 is an accurate guess. The thing literally IS a PS3 that you can take around with you. It's going to be at least as expensive as the console. There's a lot of tech packed into that tiny little device, my friend.
@American_N_Japan: I think $350 is an accurate guess. The thing literally IS a PS3 that you can take around with you. It's going to be at least as expensive as the console. There's a lot of tech packed into that tiny little device, my friend.
I'll never forget one time I was walking down the street around 7th and A, and I saw a hole in the wall alongside the ground with (what I thought) were roots of some kind. I thought oh, some weird ass tree broke the bricks here. Then the roots started moving, and piling out of the hole in the form of a SWARM of rats.…
I'm not a watch guy at all, but if I were to wear one, I would not choose something with so much clutter. It just looks like a tiny little mess on your wrist, if you ask me.
"We are not talking about price yet, but I hope that when we announce the price, people will say it makes sense."—
Leave it to Platinum to keep things interesting, always. The only problem I can foresee is balance. I hope they take the initiative to patch and dedicate themselves to a lot of content. Especially for a brawler version of Left4Dead. With that said, I'm excited to see more!
I've always been an advocate of keeping ALL achievements secret, until they're unlocked. However, it's sometimes nice to look back at a list of the things you've managed to accomplish in a game, even if the things you haven't are obscured. And who knows, secret achievements would allow gamers to explore a game…
@Zulthar: I'm aware. Stranger things have happened though...
@Don't forget to bring a towel!: —"I'm trying to work with him to get the name Starcraft Universe," Winzell wrote, "or Starcraft Chronicles. I am fully respectful of Blizzard's Intellectual property, and they do in fact own a copyright on 'World of Starcraft' and have every right to do what they did." —
Is this telling of an intent to use Starcraft (an already well known IP with a huge install base) as the subject of "Titan"? God I can only pray.
@Son-of-MonsterChalk: Consider that reciprocated. :)
You just missed Tom Brady being a sore loser, as always. Not shaking hands, not speaking to anyone, and walking to the locker room like a sad puppy with a rain cloud over his head. Kind of like when the Giants ruined them in the Superbowl.
@crosis101: I fundamentally disagree with just about everything you said. What's scary about a horde of Locust if you've got 5 weapons, hundreds of bullets, and a pack of squad members in broad daylight?
@Lockgar: There is absolutely NO reason to complain about minor Protoss buffs. Phoenix desperately needed a build time reduction just to be able to keep up with the insane amount of Mutalisks Zerg are able to make at the drop of a hat. Void Rays also now fill the role they were intended to fill when they created the…
@Jimmy_Jazz: Exactly. So why would it hurt Terran?
@Jimmy_Jazz: Not so. They're referring to pylon blocks or supply depot blocks. Really, its a zerg buff.
My question is: Do you think the pressure alleviated from AT&T's network will make my CURRENT iPhone perform better?
That is impossible to un-hear.
@Yoshinari-san: HAHA!
Although I've had a little bit of trouble with AT&T's call quality and clarity, I don't think I'll be switching over at any time. All my friends that are iPhone owners already talk to each other for free because we have the same carrier. I don't think it would be wise to break up the family like that.
These things are obviously highly planned. Especially the god damn press release telling people how little of these things there will be, on the planet. That creates demand in itself.