Like most Kinect hacks, they're impressive, but not at all intuitive. I'm fairly sure no one would want to play WoW using this. Ever.
Like most Kinect hacks, they're impressive, but not at all intuitive. I'm fairly sure no one would want to play WoW using this. Ever.
@illiniphase4: Actually, it's way less of a grind fest. 5 levels? You can accomplish that in a handful of dungeon runs. I think you should re-asses your statement, and familiarize yourself with the game.
@Fauxcused: I'm with you on this one.
@mbargo06: You're in the wrong place, my friend.
@trunkenmath: Because there are social aspects that are terribly appealing, I just don't want the content restricted to ALWAYS having to rely on others. Whats wrong with taking some time and exploring a world amidst a sea of other players doing the same, but seperately?
@trunkenmath: I never liked being restricted to completing the content I wanted to, because I had to spend an hour to search for some jerks to help me. I like Blizzard's approach to the narrative and questing, as a more solitary experience.
I always try to make one of these lists, and find it impossible...simply because I can not live without anything Neil Young did in the 70's, anything Dylan did in the 60's, everything The Smiths have ever done, both Ryan Adams' 2005 records, and every half-drunk Townes Van Zandt live album there is in existence. And…
@Zelda did it!: You'd be surprised how it all works my friend. There isn't really a whole shit ton of money in music anymore, unless you sell a LOT of units. Trust me, as a former Universal Records recording artist...even a band the size of Ok Go relies on touring, and merch to survive, really. Those Rock Band tunes…
You ask: "Have we all been wrong?"
@RealmRPGer: I dont know...John McClane shoots down a helicopter with a fucking CAR.
Um, Bob Dylan improves everything. That's nothing new.
If it were in Manhattan, I'd definitely stop in. As I'm tethered to a studio session in the village. Plus, I always feel like I'm being silently judged in Brooklyn.
@SixTwoSixFour: I'm not refuting the fact that it makes sense. I just hate it. I mean, they're already werewolves, do they really need to be cats bears birds and trees too? :D
I hate the fact that there are Worgen Druids. So. Much.
@jayntampa: I don't know man...these companies are profiting directly from Blizzard's IP. I'm quite the advocate of e-sports, particularly Starcraft, and I still think that Blizzard has every right to control the ways and means tournaments (of players playing THEIR GAME) are delivered. I'd be just as controlling if it…
They should throw that kind of money around to make sure more of their actual library is stream-able.
@Faren22: Try going to Blizzcon as an Alliance player. I'm not even a huge WoW fan, I totally went for SC2, in 09 and Alliance kids were getting heckled at berated at local bars and in the streets. Strange...
Besides the fact that Starcraft "borrows heavily" from tons of Sci Fi stuff (*cough* Starship Troopers *cough*) Blizzard tends to do it with at least a bit of finesse. This is a terribly blatant rip off. Who knows though, it could be a well-made game. I'd like some RTS goodness on my iPhone.
I will happily pay a premium to NEVER deal with that shit. Ever. I refuse to leave my house before 9pm on black friday.
The TSA's tweets sound a lot like how CNN covers news these days...