
@ghostadv: I'm well aware. You also know those people get paid money, right? They also use up this thing called 'time'. Two resources that are integral parts of a game being made and shipped. The very notion that the team exists is the problem, not that they're stealing talent from the single player guys.

@koreshonfire: I know, but it bugs me that the team is spending time and resources making the god damn thing, when they could be focusing solely on the single player experience.

This sounds like a horrible idea. I'm completely sick of the obligatory multiplayer mode on every game I buy.

@HollywoodBob: That's what I've heard. I recently watched a documentary that touched upon the horribly poor salaries that airline pilots are expected to live on. It was kind of appalling, considering the amount of lives in their hands on a daily basis. Also, considering I'm terrified of flying as it is, this doesn't

I was under the impression that airline pilots make horrible money as it is. Now they want to shove their jobs off to an even lower level employee? Thats safe.

@KaneRobot: It's not about brilliant guitar work. Some of the best songs in the world are so simple it makes you mad you hadn't thought of it first. A song is about conveying a feeling, and an emotion. As a gamer, and musician who has actually put out records, I sympathize with this very notion. Don't get me wrong,

I understand this is Microsoft's closed, private platform. I understand the fact that they want to protect children from offensive material. The word "Gay" is not offensive. Customer support should never ever be that bad. There are WAY worse things being said over Xbox live than the word "Gay" in someone's profile.

@Ueziel: I'll agree with that statement. It's pretty, and works in certain ultra-fantasy environments, but it does detract from the idea that these people and objects could possibly exist in such a place.

What about 25 year olds in cowboy boots?

I read that headline and got SO excited. I really thought there was a new Skies game, or the team was working on something new. Damn you Luke Plunkett, damn you...

@arionfrost: The Smiths make ANYTHING better. Disturbed makes everything worse. Fact.

@kayven: Totally weird, right?

@Sl0th: He's definitely got the most popular catch phrase... "Get over here!"

I think the song actually made the trailer seem worse.

@takimeathead: You don't have to like it, dude. I'm not really sure how that comment was conducive to the conversation.

@Humtuk: Give her back as in, have her re-infested. Not merely have human Kerrigan start hanging out with the swarm.

@Go Go Gadget: Guttah Trash!: I almost guarantee that old Jimmy is going to have to give her back to the swarm for some ungodly reason. Zeratul alluded to it in the Protoss mini campaign. I wouldn't prseume that all is going to end well in the Koprulu sector just yet, buddy...

I think the Starcraft universe is much more compelling, and cohesive than anything from the Warcraft universe. It's much more cohesive, and tightly woven...which would service a Hollywood treatment pretty well.

@mizeriq: Dude, I'm doing a normal 9 pylon, 12 gate, 14 gas and getting a stalker...zealots and probes get kited all day long.

@tonyp21: You can not play this game without a mouse, dude. Get one asap.