@Evilsoda: balance decisions will NEVER be based on anything other than 1v1 play.
@Evilsoda: balance decisions will NEVER be based on anything other than 1v1 play.
@Helis: I can't help but strongly disagree with everything you just said. What league are you in?
@LKchaos: Thank you! I've been wondering why the hell Blizzard hasn't increased the build time for concussive shells so far. It's nearly impossible to deal with a proxy marauder rush as a protoss player without wasting your money on a bunch of static defense :-/
They should increase the production time of concussive shells for god sake. Proxy marauders against a Protoss in the very early game is HELL to deal with.
@Alex Kaloostian: That's a horrible parallel to draw. You and I both know that liquids pouring over a thin aluminum can and food being stabbed with a fork are quite different. It's like drinking coffee out of styrofoam, or a mug. It's just different.
@Lex Steers: You're not placing your mouth on the tap, buddy. Also, if you have to pour your beer in a glass, why not just buy a bottle...it's ALREADY glass.
I'm sorry, but I still disagree with the fact that canned beer DOESN'T taste metallic. I'm sure that epoxy stuff is great, but when beer is flowing out of a can and into your mouth, it flows over the OUTSIDE of the can. The very fact that your lips are touching a metallic surface lends itself to the fact that there is…
Gosh, that sounds like a HORRIFYING place to be.
Jesus, that is incredible. Mutalisks Sparrows.
@axelucho: Shoot me another message, I accidently x'd your box out when I was quitting out of SC2 :)
@Adrianis: There's no question that he's an effeminate looking boy, but I've always thought his gender was quite clear.
@ShatteringLast: Not only do I share your bewilderment, but I also support your actions.
@Gizmo7: They had to hire roughly 4x their current workforce to be able to control that game dude. They've said it many times: WoW is the reason they haven't done a god damn thing in 5 years. Think about the other aspect of it...11 million people are playing your game, pull everyone off every SC and Diablo team and…
@axelucho: You're very right! Also, it might be an issue if you're on another continent, because I'm on the north American server. Either way my Id is 923.
I dont know why, but I cringe when I think about this new Metroid game. The fact that it very well could suck makes me nervous.
@Ars_Diaboli: Honestly, it was everything I ever wanted from a Starcraft sequel. Especially knowing that it's a trilogy.
@axelucho: I'm trying to climb my way out of Platinum...which I am now dubbing "The cheese ladder" because all I encounter are cheesy all-in builds. If you ever want to play some practice games, my SC name is Thorrissey.
Starcraft 2. Forever.
I was waiting for him to scream: "Henshin a go go baby!" ...but it never happened :(
@nantukoprime: WoW is the very reason it took all this time to make SC2 and D3. Think about the resources it takes to be able to control the 12 million person beast that is World of Warcraft.