
It allows them to insert local foliage giving it ghillie suit like ability.

If in terms of iOS you mean iPod/iPhone, yes. In terms of actual desk usage the hugely is grossly over stated. Sure, you use it, but most of the world still does not. Largely due to Apples hardware lockdown, which I think Mark has correct. It makes financial sense. They want to be able to charge the "Apple tax"

Instead of an axe I'll carry a Sven Saw. Sure, it doesn't split, but a good knife like the Bear Grylls, will.

I thought they'd learned that using terms like New Technology (NT) were a bad idea. This week's Modern UI is next week's Reddit fodder.

As someone who's had that visit from the FBI I can attest to calling it a bad day. (Around the same time period too) BBS were fun, but like alcohol, too much can get you in trouble.

I kept expecting to see an Owl Ship on the bottom level.

I'd pick one up just to hack it for a few projects I'm working on. I need a cheap MP3 player and the radio would be a nice bonus.

Talk about burying the lead. The real news is that the army discovered a TARDIS like technology that allows 2 gallons of liquid to be stored in a zippo sized container. The rest is just dressing.

The song sends shivers down my spine!!! My father sung that to me as a child.

Dude, you need a Mac


When I applied to the Indian army I was always perplexed why they declined. I guess I see that 5 years of tap would be necessary.

All along

Watching Star Wars in the theater at age 5.

Sweet! Thanks

I hate that they took away the heart button because that would've gotten one.

A Jetboil for about the same money comes with a stove. Ok, it won't make the best water bottle, but it can be done.

Please don't encourage theft. The musicians are not taking cash out of your wallet, why take it out of theirs? Who are you mad at anyways? The one creating or distributing music? Figure that out and then construct your argument on why theft is ok.

I'm with you. Casey, do your homework on this one and you'll understand why the RCA logo was/is fantastic.

The Gibson was named for William Gibson, so yes, you are 100% correct.