
I'd be hesitant to put a pintel mount and .50 cal machine gun on the back of a donkey.

Good point, can you copyright a colloquialism? Kind of like 'Jarhead'? I bet it's been done, just can't think of a good example.

I think the Syrians would argue against this. It would be a different situation over there if they had a 2nd amendment. Government abuse is was it was originally written for, not minuteman defense.

A fool and his some beach front property in Arizona if you're interested.

I'm not even Native American and I'm offended by Depp's portrayal. Having grown up with the Lone Ranger this looks awful. It looks like Will Smith's Wild West, but with older source material.

Second verse! Same as the first! A little bit louder and a little bit worse! They said the same thing at Expo '86 when they had a sample mag-lev train to ride there. Almost 30 years after and the 'future' is still 15 years away.

That man may have a job in testing.

Jean-Michelle Jarre remixed for a mining operation demo. What's next, Phil Glass remixed to sell Boeing...wait that actually makes sense.

It could be the 5lb rare earth magnet on your keychain?

Ring World is definitely hard-sci. Had a nice conversation with the man about the stability of the ring. He's got the math down.

But I thought part of the purpose of soap was to loosen up surface tension, not increase it. I'm baffled.


Between this an all of the other battery charging improvements it would seem in about 5 years our batteries will charge on their own from good thoughts and bad cheese.

Does this mean Dexter is out of a job?

So he's effectively jailed himself...success?

That is pure awesome, take my money please.

You are a scholar and a gentlemen. Today you win the Internets.

Having done stuff like this I can say this guy's work is amazing. Any word on scale?

Next you'll say light isn't made of unicorn kisses, weirdo.

The smartphone is this generations lighter...light it up!