
I absolutely embrace your perspective about porn. Good on you - wonderful rant. Still, I don't think this sort of awfulness, this rosebudding horribleness, is about to become normal any time soon. It is repulsive to most people. It may become click bait for pranksters, as people try to freak each other out, but

Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

To play devil's advocate on the whole "men work more paying hours" so of course they can't do as much at home argument. I am a professional, single, childless (by choice, so none of this "Well that's on you", it is a choice I am happy with and I'm not complaining about my situation in the least.) I work approximately

Yep.. let me just add the wood packet to the portable lumber mill here.... there we go. Now, I just press this button here and wham, perfectly cut lumber for the new fence. Then I just put that into the placement and drilling machine, and - wham! - brand new fence.

My husband cuts our lawn every week, which is great. But he needs SO MUCH credit for this chore. "Did you see I cut the lawn?" "Did you notice I went diagonally instead of simply back and forth?" "Lawn looks great, doesn't it?" "I think setting the blade higher was a good choice, don't you?"

I have to admit, I am enjoying this trend of mail-order shit. I just started up a Dollar Shave Club subscription, and I'm stoked. If I ever get the fancy lawyer job I just put myself through law school for, I'm signing up my husband for Trunk Club, and puppy's getting a Bark Box. I would never use this particular

we will agree to a Tie :-)

Then Tiburon is the Winner!

NIGEL?! I almost adopted this dog's twin on Friday...and his name is Nigel, too! Weird.

My huskies are also the cutest, Tiburon being the winner (he is the white one on the right) given that he is the oldest so he has had my heart longer :D

Nigel! Cracking me up, I love it!


I would just like to say I just got back from the dog park, where two very adorable older gay men rushed up to me, said, "Oh, my GOD, dog of the park award!" to my dog Buster, and then spent the next five minutes gushing to me—and Buster—about how cute he is. BECAUSE MY PUPPY IS THE CUTEST OF ALL. LOOK AT HIS CUTENESS

I got married in a dress I had worn before too! On a Thursday night. Another couple we're friends with asked if they could tag along and get married too, so it was a double wedding. People thought I was bizarre for letting another bride get in on my Special Day.

Guess it depends on city, I lived in a few where there are cameras everywhere (not just the high rent area)- stop lights, gas stations, businesses, ATM's, phone polls, etc. Not that anyone is watching live feed, but just knowing cameras are filming in the area was comforting because I figured if my killer isn't

Holy shit. I always figured cabs were pretty safe because there are cameras everywhere that would capture their license plate, their IDs are taped to the window, they had to call fares in, etc and most criminals wouldn't risk all those chances of getting caught to kill a passenger. Now my cab safety illusions are

It might give you a double chin though. Exactly how high IS that waist?

I'm pretty sure Spanx can squeeze an errant fat roll out anywhere. With jeans you'll just have doughnut-like cankles and a spare tire around your ribcage. But everything in between will look fantastic.

I find the whole "Find your bliss" and "do what you love" mantras annoyingly idealistic and elitist.

I get it. I relentlessly pursued my dream job which was full of lots of glamorous international travel. I loved every minute of the actual travel, I loved seeing the world and it made me grow up really fast. The actual work was mentally stimulating and I was good at it. I was exactly where I wanted to be.