OK, good point, Ryan Roberts! But only men who sign up for Lulu get reviewed so they basically agree and consent to being reviewed or otherwise they wouldn't sign up. Amirite?
My comment was to The Gaysian (whatever sex and/or sexual persuasion he/she is). You don't have to be a woman who has given birth vaginally to know that squeezing a grapefruit out of a vagina is going to stretch it. I am a woman who has given birth via C-section so I have no personal experience of what I speak about,…
"Bitch is white and Botoxed. And kinda creepy. But she supports the husband, so please buy whatever it is she sells. Thank you."
I'm guessing you haven't given birth.
However, if the plumbers and whoever else can opt out, I might end up hiring one of the opt-outs because of their price/availability/whatever whereas I might not if I read a negative review or two . . .
Having a threesome with a doll is safer, there is no emotional entanglement.
DAMN! What we don't need is more attractive, well-educated white people hijacking the culinary gangsta train for pecuniary gain. Motherfucking cranberries
I'm afraid that asking her about it will just trigger another episode of the silent treatment.
I have a longtime on-again, off-again beau who always mocks me . . . . .
OK, that is the title of my next book!
Two are good but what woman in her right mind would want three?
Actually, I think the operative adjective/verb would be "drunk fuck" . . . .!!!!!!! Love it!
"Frank" is lucky you didn't murder him - or write some very funny piece about him and get it published . . . .