
"Billy Mays" should just get pregnant and see what them hormones do to her breast size. Been there. Done that. Want my former, smaller breasts back, thank you very much.

I meant "none of their business." And those days are now.

He could have loved me and also been struggling with his sexuality.

Oh. Shit yes. Thank you.

I think it must be difficult either way, but I would be far less insulted if my husband left me for another man. If he did that, I would assume that he was gay. As a woman, I can't compete with men for a gay man's affections. Amirite?

Maybe everyone should harken back to the days when someone else's sex life was none of their interest.

I assume that Gawker is convening meetings to address the problem as we haven't heard from the Jezebel people in 24 hours about this issue that they brought to our attention.

"What exactly do you mean by 'not very good'?"

Best article title in forever!

At least a jpeg can only show 1 image, not a series of them!

I haven't been exposed to any of this on Jezebel but if I was exposed and it continued, I doubt I'd continue to participate with the site. The powers that be at Gawker surely must know this. Don't kill the golden goose!

Is there a solution?

Why does Gawker/Kinja not block the IP addresses?

alright, alright,alright!

Why not just block all gifs? They aren't usually as clever as the poster thinks, anyway.

Go for two fiddy. Or better yet, make yours at least wireless!

Selfies of Kim Kardashian. Oh fuck, just everyone. Has this girl ever looked up the definition of "narcissist?"

Oh. Well, 9 out of 10 works for me!

Oh, my no! Just my imagination run amok!