Oh, okay. Sad that attendance at an Ivy League institution is the only shorthand for smart. Seems like a lazy and over-used cliche.
Oh, okay. Sad that attendance at an Ivy League institution is the only shorthand for smart. Seems like a lazy and over-used cliche.
I beg to differ. *bangs head* I never saw one incident of racism at the Ivy League institution that I attended (not that none occurred, I assume) but why is there an assumption that "Ivy League institutions are not as welcoming to minority students?"
told from the perspective of four black Ivy League students
Well, I really liked Sam Smith's rendition. I don't know or care if slowing down an uptempo song is a lazy or common technique (as one commenter claims) but it's good only if it's good. And this version is good.
So now we'll all just have to get paint markers and write "juicy" on our own asses . . . . I mean, on the butts of our pants.
Wow, you riled up some cat haters, Kelly! I passed the pop-up cat cafe near The Bowery in April and the line was around the block so I didn't try to get in . . . . but I would have loved it despite the fact that I am a dog person!
I hear you! A man in SF gave my book 1 star because of a joke I made in the Acknowledgements section! Jeebus!
Too funny! Thanks for that!
Really? When anyone harms their body for the amusement of others in order to make money . . . . isn't that one of the saddest things you've ever heard? Wouldn't you be heartbroken if your child or sibling or friend was doing that?
Tom Ford is just mad as hell that he didn't come up with the Eldridge Cleaver pants (with the exterior pouch for your penis) [pun intended].
But it is so damned democratic! EVERYONE gets to vote . . . . even the IDIOTS who should be locked in the attic. *breathes deeply* If you think this stuff is harsh, try writing a novel and posting it on Amazon and then reading the reviews of what you spent years writing! Even though mine has a 4.1 star rating overall,…
Hahahahahaha . . . . hehehehehehehe . . . . . yukyukyuk.
She's my favorite and she is so often overlooked . . . .
Why is Candy Crowley left out?
Where are the balloon hats?
The red carpet, in the United States, has become too much of a business.
Free yourselves from The Undergarment Industrial Machine (unless you are wearing jeans or prefer underwear). And that includes thongs and strapless thongs! But seriously, I always assumed that no one was wearing undergarments under those red carpet dresses . . . so little Miss Jenner is corroborating it . . . . WTHC?
F*ck all of those magazines that preach what we should covet because their advertisers demand it.
Hello . . . . *tap tap* . . . . Is this thing on? Anybody out there? Can I just say something here? There are many overly sexualized women characters in video games that players can interact with in a variety of ways from respectful to hideous. There are also many overly muscular male characters that players can…