
Different airline, but years ago I had a (male) flight attendant tell me that I would have to sit 10 rows away from my NEWBORN BABY! Needless to say, that didn't happen.

A tie it is, then!

Artistic predator.

Haruuumph! Then let's go for a tie!

The problem with Spanx is that wherever the constricting garment ends, the non-constricted skin/fat explodes with the euphoria of the freedom and mushrooms it's happiness in all directions. Or so I'm told. Never experienced this, myself, of-course. Just sayin' . . . . . all done now.

Oh, buzzgirl. I'm sad now for your Nigel but if he needs a non-urban environment, so be it. He's not the boy for you. *sniffles* Hopefully a suburbanite will adopt him!

Dream job, scream job . . . . it's good to have a job and great if you love it. But having a job is the best, regardless.

Oh, shoot. They are both cute. But this is a winner take all competition, AND SOMEONE HAS TO WIN.

You can call him Nigel, LibbyBells, but it's Sir Nigel to everyone else!

Her boyfriend Michael (25) is 1 year older than her son Austin (24). EWWWWWW!

Oh, no no no no no Miss ad infinitum! Buster is one gorgeous boy but there's only ONE winner in this competition.

See Sir Nigel - above!

OK, Buster. You're going down in this doggie smackdown. I (Nigel) have cute written all over me!

Well, it malts my heart to know that if we don't like it, at yeast we can hop on over to to a less watery barley brew with a heftier price tag!

Sounds a lot healthier than spending 20 million on your wedding like some pseudo celebs!

Glad to hear it, Pilot to Gunner!

The cameras aren't everywhere and no one is looking at the live feed anyway (unless a murder is caught on camera). This happened in Boston in a part of town where auto body work is done - not the high rent district!

"We" are not anything until the child is born. Then "we" are hopefully proud and happy parents.

Oooops. I did that.