
The problem with neoliberal “base widening” is that it seems to be a combination of:

A pluralistic party with a fundamentally rotten core of neoliberal corporatism. Frankly, anyone should see why this party can barely keep it together, since social justice and economic justice go hand-in-hand.

Well, I can only speak for myself, as someone who voted for Sanders in the primary and less enthusiastically for Clinton in the general election (Trump and the GOP are just plain awful), but I’d vote for Warren enthusiastically. I find the “Bernie Bro” archetype, inasmuch as I consider them to be a very vocal

As someone who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries and voted for Hillary Clinton largely out of duty over enthusiasm (Trump and the GOP really are awful, full stop), Elizabeth Warren absolutely excites me, and this article helped seal it. She treads a lot of the same path as Bernie, but is a lot smarter about it

Chibnall has already indicated that he’s doing an ensemble show this season.  I’m looking forward to seeing it in action.

Yeah, I remember this feeling years ago. It’s tough, but I tend to think it’s more of an emotional dependency. Giving up on all this junk felt, in hindsight, like losing a friend, which, of course, is absolutely ridiculous, but then humans aren’t always rational creatures.

Hell, I’m in a city with high tobacco taxes—much higher than in the U.S.—and it seems as if everyone is smoking or vaping, especially young people.

For #1, I think he needs the self-confidence to dump his social circle and hang out with better people. They sound awful and aren’t his friends.

The popular vote is irrelevant. It has been irrelevant since the dawn of the country, and the rural bias of the Constitution is something Democrats have to deal with, whether they like it or not. If Democrats can only appeal to a small handful of urban states, they are going to have to change their platform to appeal

Now playing

This one is probably the responsibility of the BBC’s marketing department, not Chibnall. I think they’re really trying to go after new viewers, and considering the wide scope of change this time around, I can’t really fault them for trying. I admit I’m not a fan of the music either, but I don’t expect it’ll be in the

It’s not about “the Clintons and Obamas,” per se. It’s the effect they have on the party, specifically keeping the party mired in ineffective neoliberal policies that turn off the base and don’t inspire new voters.

Frankly, in that circumstance, the rich would then snatch up all the property to create their exclusive island paradise, then successfully lobby Congress to cancel the debt.

To be fair, once you go far back enough, you’re quite literally related to everyone. Every person of European descent is related to Charlemagne, for instance, and, at the same time, we’re related to everyone else alive in the 9th century. So I guess this means we’re *all* part of it? Hah!

it doesn’t seem to impede him

New Zealand is a unique environment in that it has no native land mammals; it was historically dominated by birds, around half of which have been driven to extinction by all the introduced mammals from human habitation.

I think that rule only applies to posts advertising a product. Showing a generic before-and-after? Fine. Showing a before-and-after with an influencer pushing Weight Watchers? Seems like it’s prohibited, although it also seems it might go under the radar (like Kevin Smith) if the image doesn’t promote an unhealthy

I’m going to take the middle course here: Scientology is quite representative of U.S. religion precisely because it is an heir to the New Thought movement of the late 19th century, which was the foundation of everything from Christian Science to the prosperity gospel to New Age occultism and the self-help movement.