
That’s pretty much how Disney+ is handled outside of the U.S., where they have mixed child-friendly and grown-up content in the same streaming service, except instead of using the “Hulu” brand, they use “Star” as a separate category in the app. You can see this in action if you ever try to use your U.S. Disney+

The problem is that the executives who bankroll everything don’t especially care about “good,” “right” or “correctly”—they salivate over the idea of “cheaply.” And the only way they’ll know they’re wrong is if audiences reject AI-generated content, and thus studios lose money on this gamble.

As briefly as I used it, I remember Windows 10 Pro for Workstations having none of this advertising crap. Does that still apply to the workstation edition of Windows 11? Granted, a license is $300, but if you really hate ads...

I agree. As it is, AI-generated content has been very underwhelming. Even if you discount all the times that AI confidently passes off inaccurate information, it is just all so “bland” after a while. I’ll even say this about Midjourney v5, which has impressively grown by leaps and bounds, but, again, it all looks the

Do a mobile deposit through your bank’s smartphone app, and you can have the best of both worlds.

I want things to change and improve here too, but from personal experience, the rest of the world all has their own unique problems too (often times a combination of “high cost of living” and “few meaningful employment opportunities,” which is why so many willingly immigrate to the U.S. despite its flaws). For better

My tip: the Morph Ball you get early on in the game has built-in Spring Ball functions, which didn’t exist in the original GC release, but did in the later Wii one. It makes some frustrating old “bomb jump” puzzles so much easier. With the new default controls, you either ball jump with “X” or flick the controller

Perhaps the more likely explanation is that there’s more than one country with spy balloons observing us. It might have been well-known that they were a relatively low-tech blind spot in U.S. intelligence, at least until recently.

I don’t have an issue with your broader point, but I wanted to point out that influenza viruses (including the Spanish flu) are not coronaviruses, and the annual flu vaccine does not vaccinate against any coronaviruses, current or historic. There is some conjecture that the 1889-1890 “Russian flu” pandemic may have

I’d love for the show to not be so burdened by its own canon and be unafraid to try new things. RTD, of all people, knew this well back in 2005, but elements of this approach have even become too “canonical” now, especially considering the treatment of Gallifrey and the Time Lords (I regret how Moffat brought them

Winter is still going on, but it looks like the polar vortex is hanging out more over east Asia this year, instead of North America or Europe. The next time around might be a completely different story, but as someone who hates winter, I’ll take the warmer than usual weather for once.

I went in expecting a visual feast coupled with a passable, but not life-changing script, and I generally got what I had expected. Knowing Cameron has three more sequels planned, it might seem excessive to me, but I would be disappointed if he had had to cut these short.

I’m sure they’ll come up with an in-universe explanation, but RTD has said that he made this decision, because he feared that the right-wing press in the UK would have made a homophobic mockery of Tennant wearing women’s clothes, and he didn’t want to deal with that.

I’d run into an interesting article yesterday where they interviewed former RNC chairman, Michael Steele. He was quite critical of the DNC’s national organizing skills, but also said that he thought that the media was flooded with bad polling data with a clear GOP bias, and that the actual election results were going

I suppose the main difference is that, in parliamentary democracies, a failed government leads to an early change in leadership or even early elections, whereas a failed government here just sits on its ass for 2-4 years until the next scheduled election.

Good sets, FX, writing, talent (on and off-screen)...all of that costs money. I’ve always had the impression that the Doctor Who scriptwriting process is kind of messy, with individual writers submitting scripts of mixed quality, then one script editor/showrunner goes in to fix them all. With this kind of budget

From what I saw on some tweets, it looks like fired employees will remain on payroll for the required extended period before their severance would kick in. I’ve found this to be a pretty standard arrangement when dealing with notice laws like what California requires.

It’s not just BBC America. Cable TV, in general, has become a black hole where creativity goes to die. Premium cable like HBO may have a bit of life left in it, but any channel that has a commercial schedule is just a sad combination of cheap reality programming, repetitive network TV reruns and too many ads that are

I feel that an arrangement like this was inevitable. I know when the Chibnall era started in 2018, I predicted at the time that the next step would be something like a co-production deal with Netflix, but considering how cancellation-happy Netflix has become since then, Disney is the better partner at present.

Pantone colors are still important for certain professional printing applications. The CMYK color model used for full-color printing can, in some cases, look dull and, in other cases, be more expensive than just using specific spot colors, which is where Pantone comes to play.