
He was also the U.S. Ambassador to China under Obama until he resigned to run for president in 2012.

Well, Canadian Smarties are basically M&Ms, while U.S. Smarties are “Rockets” in Canada. As someone who’s had both over the years, they’re essentially identical in look, taste and packaging aside from the name change.  I’m guessing there was a trademark issue decades ago.

They ultimately want people to not buy vegetarian/vegan alternatives, and they’re hoping they can bury these products by denying them the right to recognizable language.

I remember when my parents stopped subscribing to the local newspaper, and it was well-before we had the Internet. It was when they realized the paper cost more and more yet was thinner and thinner—and what was there was mostly reprints of AP articles. It’s not as if our somewhat sleepy small-town newspaper had daily i

I think they’re a company that’s well past its prime, regrettably. Think of how long it took them to make FFXIII only to get “one long tunnel,” then think of how long it took to make FFXV only to get what felt like the world’s smallest open world game ever.

The thing is, I think many of us see the “culture wars” as some sort of bug when it is very much a feature.

You have to remember, though, German, like pretty much all other Germanic languages except English, make extensive use of compound words. And, sure, English also has compound words (i.e., “basketball” instead of “basket ball,” etc.), but we often make even more extensive use of multiple, separate words to describe a

Shouldn’t the purpose of recycling be to recover our waste instead of creating more? Chasing after “profitability” just means that there will always be an excuse to make more waste.

In terms of “GOAT,” one day I realized that most of my favorite music had a roundabout connection to Brian Eno, so I won’t hesitate to say that he’s the greatest, at least for me!

Surprisingly enough, Fruitopia still exists in Canada.  I see it in fast food soda fountains up here all the time.

It absolutely is the second, and it isn’t socialism. The Nordic Model that a lot of leftist Americans see as the ideal also isn’t socialism. It’s social democracy, and there’s a rich tradition of it in Europe. Of course, just like in the U.S., a lot of traditional social democratic parties in Europe also went down the

That’s just it: both government and developers are only in it for the money. They don’t really care about environment, and they certainly don’t care about us plebeians who aren’t rich enough to matter.

Blaming the homeowners would be too late anyway. These are the kinds of issues that should be dealt with at the government level, where those in charge should ideally know better than the general public. Developers should never have been given building permits in the first place, but then government also let

Again, we’ve fielded waves of centrists one election after another, and we have nothing more than huge losses to show for it. I suppose we should just double-down on this strategy, just like all the previously lost elections?

To add one thing more to my comment (that I can no longer edit):

We’ve been “punting” the red states for years by:

After growing up with this ginger ale, Canada Dry tastes like bland sugar water, by comparison.

At least in terms of all the “Amazon deals” that tend to get published at GMG, editorial and sales are probably separate departments that don’t communicate with each other. The fact that they have editorial independence likely prevents sales from demanding that they not criticize an advertiser.