I happened to find my “perfect planet” once—even named it “Earth 2—then, after a reseed, it was turned into a virtually lifeless desert planet.
I happened to find my “perfect planet” once—even named it “Earth 2—then, after a reseed, it was turned into a virtually lifeless desert planet.
How many elections do we have to lose before we realize the moderates really can’t win? There was Bill Clinton over 20 years ago, sure, but I’d say he won on his charisma, not his “centrism.” Ever since then, we’ve had this group of corporate Democrats who keep telling us over and over again that we can’t win without…
It’s actually quite a big problem, if you ask me, largely because what they’re advocating isn’t “socialism.” The Scandinavian Nordic Model that they’d ideally like to emulate isn’t socialism either. And this so-called “democratic socialism” has already long had a name—it’s “social democracy.”
Compared to the “blissful ignorance” of decades past, we largely know now what makes a winner out of a pool of highly-trained, world-class athletes and it’s testosterone.
Jared Kushner was described as a “lifelong Democrat” prior to joining Donald Trump’s administration. Even Trump was apparently a self-described Democrat up to 1987, and then again from 2001 to 2009.
Here’s the problem with your argument:
I figured as much, but couldn’t say for sure. Thanks!
As Lee Atwater said in 1981, it was never, ever about “states’ rights.”
I believe “Herrgottsbescheißerle” is separated into:
I’m not sure the idea of either “scare” me. Both the incredible depth of the ocean and the effectively infinite size of the universe mostly inspire awe. It means that, no matter how much we know, there will always be mystery, and I like that.
When nearly 40% of genital herpes is HSV-1, in addition to most cold sores, I’m arguing that this distinction is largely academic.
“Principally,” but not exclusively. You can have oral HSV-2 (relatively rare) and genital HSV-1 (more common).
The thing is, it sounds like she was not previously infected, since she developed all the symptoms of primary herpes infection (fever, etc.). So that being the case, since he bit her breasts—thus, “Eczema herpeticum”—that was where the infection started, and, if it recurs as a secondary outbreak, it will always recur…
Blah blah...*name calling* fucking blah. How tedious.
Party affiliation is utterly meaningless, and I think it’s quite telling that neoliberal Democrats harp on this refrain to maintain their dying ideology—because, after all the lost elections since 2000, this is pretty much all you have left. And it is absolutely nothing.
Anything that doesn’t have a direct economic benefit is considered a “parasite” nowadays. This guy would probably only have had children so he’d have someone to take care of him at an old age.
Centrism is a vehicle for votes
I had convinced myself for years that I hated peanut butter—that is, until I discovered the 100% all-natural peanut butter. As with most processed foods, they stripped away all the flavor for tons of added sugar.
You can’t put that out there, then ignore this elephant in the room. The GOP practically invented identity politics.
I mean, it’s complicated. I’m not going to lecture people for being angry that people, either willfully or apathetically, chose Trump to be president over Hillary Clinton in the general election. I voted for her in the general election, because I knew very well what the stakes were.