
So much of Fox News is a creation of the media; that is, if its “liberal” competitors didn’t comment on it or constantly ridicule it over the past 20 years (Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” tenure comes to mind), it would probably have about as much influence as a crackpot AM radio broadcast.

I mean, what does “full blown socialism” even mean? I suspect most people on the left don’t want that anyway. The proper historical guides for where we should go next are probably the Progressive Era and the New Deal—that is, properly regulated capitalism with a modest welfare state.

Hollywood is too formulaic, frankly. Most everything now is catered to please 13 year-olds and China’s censorship boards—it’s starting to show too...I’m bored.

But going left didn’t work either.

Leftist humor is largely about “punching upwards,” thus those more richer/powerful/privileged than the average person. A lot of right-wing humor tends to do the opposite—making fun of those “beneath them,” the definition of which I’ll leave to your imagination.

I’ve had recent correspondence with them (one of the joys of being an American abroad is complicated, multi-national tax issues), and they used envelopes like this that had information on the same page, but the way it was folded, the addresses were all contained on the top third that would be visible through the

If a program like this succeeds in dramatically dropping the price of movie tickets, what it probably means is the end of Hollywood blockbusters and probably a dramatic decline in highly paid, A-list celebrities. Granted, that might be perfectly fine with many of you, but it’s a reminder that change has consequences,

The IRS uses envelopes like these for correspondence, which I presume allows them to fit in both a return address and also the address to be sent to, especially if you’re a large entity with multiple locations and addresses. They also, however, have the good sense to size it properly so that your information isn’t

To a U.S. citizen parent, meaning she has been a U.S. citizen since birth (e.g., not naturalized, thus “natural born citizen”). Granted, the phrase itself has considerable ambiguity behind it, but the current intepretation is that folks like her and Ted Cruz (born in Canada to U.S. citizen parents) are eligible to run

The colo(u)rs are opposite in Canada—red for liberals and blue for conservatives—so you can rest easy (although, Western Canada votes conservative, while Eastern Canada votes liberal, so...).

Not looking to toot my own horn here, but I was a “barely five year-old” kid in Kindergarten (never attended preschool either), and I ended up the smartest kid in my class. Each child is going to be different, but I don’t think we need to be artifically holding back kids who are clearly ready to start school.

Hell, I knew someone who spiralled into a painkiller then heroin addiction as a result of HS football injuries. It went on for a decade, but fortunately, he’s recovered since then.

Oh, I hated school athletics. I had come to the same conclusion too—that I just “wasn’t a sports person”—but it turns out I’m really quite at home in a gym/fitness center environment. That sure doesn’t win medals and accolades, but if fitness and fun were the goals instead of competitiveness, perhaps we’d have fewer

“Avatar” was, for an awful lot of people, really nothing more than a showcase for 3D cinema, which was rather new at the time, especially when most 3D films at the time were faked in post-production, with “Avatar” being actually shot in 3D. Beyond that, the story was nothing particularly special.

Heh...have you ever asked yourself why today’s Americans are so “fat, gluttonous and self-serving”? Sure, the government asked people to sacrifice a century ago for the greater good, but now they want people to spend and consume themselves into a frenzy “for the greater good” of profit. Tactics and direction may have

The A.V. Club just migrated here today without its previous Disqus comments, so it doesn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t loved before. Old Fusion/now Splinter articles run into the same issue.

Regarding finishing food: I am an American with an American appetite. Chances are the food served to me isn’t the amount I am accustomed to and I am still hungry.

Funny...I know Kinja isn’t perfect and is bound to be a huge change for everyone coming from the old A.V. Club, but man, if there was one commenting system I hated, it was Disqus. It always felt like a giant mess to me, but then perhaps that’s how many of you feel about Kinja right now.

William and Mary were the last joint monarchs, but they were a special case, having specifically been invited by Parliament to forcefully replace James II in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. This was also, mind you, before the Act of Settlement of 1701, which codified the modern rules of royal succession.

That’s because ASO was sold and is now part of the mega-ISP EIG. Every brand they sell under is listed here:

That’s because ASO was sold and is now part of the mega-ISP EIG. Every brand they sell under is listed here: