
Not a video game, but one of the rare projects I backed was the one to finish Orson Welles’ shot-but-largely unedited last film—and considering its notorious, 40-year legal nightmare, I did it mostly as a posthumous tribute to Orson with no real expectation that they were going to be able to follow through on their

Frankly, it depends on investor confidence. Amazon was quite notorious for being unprofitable for years, but as long as investors had confidence in its long-term health and viability, debt didn’t matter. Netflix is now available in nearly every country on the planet, still has strong subscriber growth figures, and the

This article specifically talks about American evangelical Christianity, but it’s older in Roman Catholicism—they started to firmly believe in “life at conception” around the 1850s, with some ambiguity before that. Due to the influence of classical Greek philosophy, a belief in “ensoulment” after 30-90 days of

I get the whole idea that “but this gym glorifies it and normalizes it...” but here’s the option: You can either have it open and notorious, and, thus, be able to talk about it openly and call it what it is, or it becomes super secret Fight Club, which is even more dangerous.

It’s the scraps of FFv13 hastily pasted together to create a game. To be fair, what they’ve given us, I like, and I prefer that to the alternative—outright cancellation—but compared to other, more fully-fleshed FF games, you can’t help but wonder what the game could have been.

“Weaponizing the culture wars” is a 45 year-old GOP strategy. They’ll keep doing it too, because it has worked out very well for them; somehow, amidst all the articles saying “the GOP is dead” over the past decade, they have managed to control the House, Senate, Presidency and almost 3/4 of all state governments. “Why

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104. The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Unfortunately, I believe they will be dismissed in simpler terms: because they are women. Catholic nuns regularly clash with the far more conservative Catholic male clergy, whom are more likely to be Trump sycophants like their evangelical Protestant counterparts.

Yeah, that’s kind of my thought too. The question really is “how committed” is he to this new identity? Maybe he is angry—and, really, so many of us are, right or left—and it’s just incredibly misdirected, so maybe not all hope is lost. On the other hand, he could be just as bad as it appears, so you’d really have no

This is how I would put it: Bernie Sanders struck a chord with a lot of Americans by emphasizing economic justice in ways Democrats haven’t over the last three decades. Nonetheless, a successful president, particularly a successful Democratic president, has to build bridges with many disparate factions within the

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I posted this elsewhere in this thread, but since Kinja can be a bit of a mess at times, I’ll repost it here too. Joanna Lumley with a bit of “Patsy” appeared in this 1999 one-off “Doctor Who” charity comedy special. The whole thing is worth watching if you’re a fan, but you can skip to 17:00 to see her part in it.

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Hah...interestingly enough, we actually did end up getting a bit of “Patsy” as the Doctor in 1999 with this one-off comedic charity special. I think the whole thing is a bit of a gem and worth watching, but if you want to skip ahead, start around the 17:00 mark to see the lead up to Joanna Lumley’s appearance.

But that’s not true either. I saw it coming the second Hillary’s primary election strategy was “I’m not Trump.” Michael Moore did too. The problem, perhaps, is that the DNC has become too much of a Beltway echo chamber, and they need to start listening to their Democratic supporters in Middle America—they were

My only reservation about this in 1986—and I say this as someone who would have loved to see Joanna Lumley in the role—is that this was when “Doctor Who” was in an uncontrolled decline; production values that couldn’t keep up with the times, writing that seemed worse than before, and unfriendly executives looking for

If you want to figure class into the discussion, the GOP is an alliance of billionaires and the working class against the middle class. The Democrats are, likewise, an alliance of billionaires and the middle class against the working class. Someone like Bernie Sanders, who attempted to build an alliance between the

Sanders has to be the beginning of a larger conversation, not the end of it. I don’t think he will ever be president, partly as a function of age, partly that I don’t think he has the charisma for it. As important as economic justice is, something that clearly resonated with a lot of voters, he was not so willing to

What, then, has bipartisanship done for the Democrats since the 1990s? How do you force common ground with a party that has all but declared war on you? Rampant gerrymandering? Voter suppression laws? What about Merrick Garland? Democrats are saying “be friends with me,” while the GOP is punching them over and over

Well, regarding these reviews there, it’s usually what they call “a co-dependency dance.” A narcissist/psychopath seeks out someone with co-dependent features—low self-esteem, weak personal boundaries—and pounces. This doesn’t justify what the narcissist does. On the other hand, though, being a co-dependent

The most important step, I’d say, is to understand what is normal behavior, have healthy self-esteem and have strong personal boundaries. Narcissists/psychopaths don’t understand boundaries, so that’s why they often move at light speed, say that they’re in love with you when you’ve barely met and sometimes even

Bipartisanship is dead, and it’s not coming back. If Democrats honestly think they can find common ground with the GOP, they’re nuts. Obama was guilty of this. Meanwhile, the GOP was too busy publicly announcing from Day 1 that they would oppose everything he wanted no matter what. I guess Obama and other Democrats