
It would be next to impossible, for example, to “draw up legislation” outside of the Congress. And even if that were to happen, there would be changes and markups in committee, and you’d wind up with legislation that looks nothing like what was proposed.

And I think you’re overestimating the effectiveness of that strategy. Remember George W. Bush? He was the object of absolute ridicule on the left for four years straight. He was “stupid,” a “warmonger,” a cultural conservative determined to “undo all the progress” of the last century. We also had the media on our

Hillary ran a pretty disastrous campaign in 2008, which, fortunately, gave us Obama, only to run another disastrous campaign in 2016, which, regrettably, gave us Trump. I respect that Hillary Clinton is intelligent and qualified, but she does not have a great track record of surrounding herself with capable people,

The GOP’s implicit message has been that they will “turn back the clock” to the “glory days” of the past, which, for a lot of people, is appealing. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, has been seen as the party of “keeping things the same.” The problem is that an awful lot of people are not happy with the present

The problem is that nobody believes that anymore. They are instead seen as the party of “champagne socialism/limousine liberalism.” Between all those Wall Street fundraisers and billionaires lining up to run for president, not to mention the lingering ill-will after Bernie Sanders’ primary defeat, the Democratic Party

The Kinjaverse is pretty well-behaved, as a whole. Facebook, Twitter and Daily Mail comments, though, would make you lose faith in humanity again.

Yeah, I remember this back in the day...heh. Like you, I love this game too and can’t wait to play it again.

Now playing

“Stump speeches” are not what most people are paying attention to. Most people are never going to attend a rally in-person, neither would they go to her website, and it flies against human nature to expect voters to do all the legwork for a candidate. For better or for worse, these attack ads are what Hillary Clinton

Implicit racism is a factor for some voters, don’t get me wrong, but there were swing states that voted for Obama twice that tipped the victory to Trump, and I think it was a combination of Hillary neglecting Middle America in her campaign and Trump’s overt pandering to Middle America’s greatest anxiety—free trade.

Honestly, “liberal” may be the most useless word in the English language. It mostly refers to right-wing parties outside of the U.S. and Canada (in historical reference to “economic liberalism,” which is a conservative position nowadays).

Why is there no willingness on your part to discuss the fact that the Democratic party operated from the most progressive platform it had in decades?

Let me guess, Toronto? Quite infuriating.

A lot of that is a matter of having realistic expectations. “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” in a large bottle, but a super-cheap price is more likely to be fake. It’s also mostly an issue with Italy, not all of Europe. I’ve been happy with an olive oil from Greece the last few years; not the cheapest by far, but the flavor

I suspect you’re using less refined/virgin avocado oil, which would have a higher flavor, whereas a refined avocado oil would be more likely to be flavorless.


I think for VI, I power-levelled enough to give everyone Ultima, so that made the final battle very easy, needless to say.

I had much more fun collecting summons in XII than using them. In fact, I’m not sure I ever enabled the majority of them in my license board...heh.

Yeah, that drove me nuts too in the original, although it didn’t stop me from playing through it twice over the years. I think that’s the only game I’ve encountered that didn’t give an option to invert.

It also doesn’t help that both languages are considered exceedingly hard for native English speakers (Arabic also being part of that list). I don’t really say that to discourage; more to say that patience and practice are especially important for these languages.