
Politicians are mostly rich and, absent that, otherwise well-connected to people with wealth. They are insulated from the consequences of their own policies.

Canada likely wouldn’t be an option either, as a person’s health history is a reason why one’s immigration application could be rejected.

There’s a new Duolingo Japanese course out, although it is currently in beta and only for iOS and Android—that is, everywhere but its web version at the moment, but it should be coming. If you couple that with a good grammar resource and a Memrise course to drill memorization, you might make some good progress on your

I think Tumblr may be the exception to the rule, perhaps because it was very popular before Yahoo bought it. If you go to Flickr, though, it very specifically requires a Yahoo email account.

They want you to sign up for a Yahoo email address, thus using it as a gateway into the entire Yahoo ecosystem—that’s it. For a while, they used to let you log in to Yahoo services with any email account, but they terminated that a year or two back.

People knew exactly what they were getting when they voted for Trump. A lot of people just couldn’t stand Hillary Clinton, and she did nothing to dispell people’s misgivings over her. Focusing on Trump and his temperament was the exact wrong course of action to take, a lesson Democrats should have learned when Kerry’s

I somewhat hesitate with this round of logic—“populism” is not Democratic, despite the fact that it won FDR four presidential terms and set the course for America for decades afterwards? Is only neoliberal corporatism “Democratic” now, even though that’s only been a part of the party since about 1992 with the arrival

China’s rising middle class (thought to be presently around 225 million people) has largely adopted Western attitudes on this subject. Many now have dogs as pets and think eating them is low-class and deplorable. They are the audience for this film.

The comment I was replying to brought up the contradiction in Catholicism in how it can be so reactionary on social issues while being otherwise very pro-science. They’ve pretty much shown an openness to ideas that don’t intrude on their core traditions/prejudices, IMO, and I was just pointing out where a good number

The problem is that Catholicism has a very long history of being anti-sex, and we can thank Augustine of Hippo for a lot of that. The problem, however, is that it’s thought that Augustine was a sex/love addict, which isn’t even a fact they try to hide. Now, certainly, they likely wouldn’t have been able to do much for

I feel The Guardian made a bit of a mess about that. I believe Binoche turned down the role in “Jurassic Park” to do the lead role in the French film, “Three Colours: Blue,” which, in the eyes of critics at least, is seen as a classic. If she had to choose one project over the other due to scheduling conflicts, I

To be fair, the article cited from The Guardian is very unclear too. I just happen to know this piece of trivia since the films of the “Three Colours” trilogy are some of my all-time favorite films!

I believe she turned it down to take on the starring role in the French film, “Three Colours: Blue.” Honestly, it’s an amazing film that Binoche was absolutely excellent in, so if she really had to choose between this film and “Jurassic Park,” I’m happy she made the choice that she did.

Admittedly, I don’t particularly see what makes him any more hate-worthy than your average celebrity. His father is a famous photographer and his mother is an opera director—a “rags to riches” story he is not, but when was the last time the U.S. was a true meritocracy? Famous parents tend to create famous children,

Birthright citizenship (dark blue on this map is unrestricted, middle blue means it applies in limited circumstances, while light blue means it was once legal, but has since been abolished) is very common in the Americas, while rare elsewhere.

I’m more curious about what the singular of “Lego” is. “Lega?” “Legolas?”

Look at it this way, though. Nintendo was going to C&D it regardless, but for a fan game that was well-publicized online with several demos over a decade of development, it says something perhaps that they didn’t aim to kill it until it was finally finished. They must know it’ll always linger in the dark corners of

Completely agreed. It is an absolute treasure.

See, I know you’ve never been to this beach, because if you had, you’d know that the vast majority of nude people there are old—like overweight old men (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but most people aren’t dying to pleasure themselves to those images). The others are young people looking to escape the

They’re all being led around on a leash by narcissistic psychopaths who lie to them to get power; that is what narcissistic psychopaths do, after all. They are exactly the kind of person they fear most of all—passive “beta males”—which, I suspect, they know, so then they lash out and double-down on the machismo with