
There’s a fully legal public nude beach in Toronto (or would be, if it weren’t currently flooded with historically high lake levels). The people who go there enjoy it, because there are far less likely to be families and children there. Nobody is there to look at others, and, in fact, the people most likely to

I agree that it’s tricky. It’s a bit disconcerting too to think that being a sports champion generally comes down to one hormone we have little natural control over—even men’s natural testosterone levels can be all over the place. The allure of sports, after all, is that “anyone” can be a champion through enough

Which makes me think that policing a cisgender woman’s natural testosterone levels is kind of ridiculous, since we wouldn’t consider doing the same for men’s sports. Like you said, elite athletes are freaks.

Lara Flynn Boyle had a more recent film in 2013 where she played a witch, and it was in the middle of her “plastic surgery disaster” controversy. I suspect she’d look about like this if she acted again. I agree that catching her out in public with no makeup is not really representative of how she’d look on-screen.

Sadly and frustratingly, I agree. I think the chances of Trump being reelected are quite high just for this reason.

Oh, this is really rich considering his own background:

Pretty much every major issue in America is neglected until it hits upper middle class whites, the same demographic as national journalists and their Beltway friends. Until then, nothing but silence.

Nobody really ever cares about an issue in America until it affects upper middle class whites—basically, the same demographic as national journalists and their friends in the Beltway.

For the first guy, I’m assuming he’s is in his 20s, so this level of (for lack of a better term) “maturity”—in both men and women—is going to be hard to find, since I don’t think most 20-somethings are especially going to want to be involved in something so “serious.” Hell, it can be hard to find even in older people.

Regarding “self-demonization,” what lesson I think we could learn is that we all have a tendency to “Other.” You’ve shown a great example here of how the Right “others” the Left. Meanwhile, the Left has shown a willingness to caricature the South for decades and, especially after this past election, the Midwest. I

You know, for all his narcissistic bluster about “MAGA,” all his actions have done is isolate and make America increasingly irrelevant on the world stage. China and the EU are going to take this opportunity to become the new “leaders of the (free) world,” while the U.S. is starting to resemble the UK and Russia:

You could always do what I do and just cut off and eat a bit of ginger. It seems to hit the spot for a bit of acid reflux.

You know, it’s one thing for her to be free—that’s between her and the Canadian justice system—but I think it is entirely reasonable to say that a particularly notorious ex-convict should not be paraded around in front of children like some sort of role model. I have no idea what the school is thinking here.

I think a lot of it is because American culture is just really attuned to this issue—for all our faults (and there are many), there are a lot of people who really try to say and do the right things. We tend to forget, though, that American culture and ideals are not universal, so you end up with moments like this,

I wonder how this exact same ad campaign would go down in Britain, with Queen Elizabeth, or in Holland, with king Willem-Alexander. Both far more popular royals.

Here’s the thing, though. While Trump is truly an embarrassment, I don’t see him as a unique phenomenon. Look at this list of GOP presidential candidates from 2016: pretty much all of these people—and definitely all the candidates who remotely had a chance of winning the nomination—are also an absolute

And, of course, that’s exactly what ends up happening much of the time.

In other words then, the Right has no remaining redeeming qualities.