
Yeah, what killed arcades for me was when the games became much more expensive and super difficult at the same time. I could smell a scam a mile away even as a kid.

Turkish is an interesting example of a language with no grammatical gender at all. “He/she/it” is just “o.” Combine that with a plethora of gender-neutral names in Turkish, and you wouldn’t always know if you’re corresponding with a man or a woman unless it was in person.

Just go with “they/them.” English doesn’t really have an easy alternative, unlike, say, Swedish which went informally with “hen,” since he/she is “han” and “hon”—pretty easy to just pick another vowel.

Inert gas asphyxiation has been suggested and pretty much dismissed by the pro-death penalty crowd. What they don’t want to tell you is that they actually want these prisoners to suffer—”death by nitrogen” is too peaceful to satisfy their bloodlust.

There’s an old adage about the Canadian Liberal Party—“Campaign from the Left, Rule from the Right.” Trudeau is a typical centrist politician in this respect.

Because, honestly, Trump is a mirror of America’s own “dysfunctional personality.” Narcissists and psychopaths are routinely paraded around as “normal” and even “heroic.” Look at Ayn Rand, who made selfishness a virtue back in the 1960s and 1970s. Or look at the 1980s, where “psycho CEOs” were applauded for mass

“Run government is like a business” is code for “run it into the ground, then privatize for corporate profit.” The GOP has never been interested in good governance.

And we know Hollywood is capable of doing this if they really want to. How many hit films have we had where we get this “breakout star” (usually some hunky white man or sexy white woman) who then grows over the next few years to become an A-list celebrity? It’s time for Hollywood to work its magic on people of color.

I spoke elsewhere in this post to the wildly inconsistent education experience in the U.S., which I think has to be addressed—some people are gifted with great public school districts, while others are horrible (usually because they are woefully underfunded).

A major, huge problem with education in U.S. is that the public school system is wildly inconsistent. If you happen to life in an affluent, white district, you are far more likely to have a great public school at your disposal—and if you don’t, you can find yourself living in a district with an incredibly terrible

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Zyban/Wellbutrin works on the norepinephrine-dopamine system, which is why it is effective for depression and addictions, since this system is somewhat related to both for certain individuals. Chantix, instead, works directly on nicotine receptors, making it only useful as an

White nationalism has had two long-running themes they’ve been pushing over the years—that “liberals are the real Nazis/fascists,” thus all those attempts to say that “Hitler was a liberal,” and that they themselves are a “persecuted minority” being attacked by those so-called “liberal fascists.”

At least how I see it, there are “winners and losers” in an economy, and, for the neoliberal economy that the U.S. has built up over the last 3-4 decades, the “losers” have largely ended up living in places that those on the “winning” coasts openly deride as the “Rust Belt” or “flyover states.” And for angry people

Zyban is a repackaged antidepressant. It’s marketed as “Wellbutrin” for psychiatric purposes.

I’m not sure we have to go the route of dementia to explain Trump’s behavior. Narcissistic psychopathy—traits that, after all, are highly celebrated in the world of business, especially with CEOs—would be a much simpler answer. The dirty secret is, once you look past the brashness, bluster and unrealistic promises,

iOS 10 has voicemail transcription. I find it works well most of the time, especially for robo calls, but occasionally it reads like such a mess that I have to listen to it anyway.

Belgium’s issues were resolved, so CETA was signed. It still needs to be ratified by Canada, the European Parliament and the individual EU states.

Canada is a bit of a sneaky country. It has lots of free trade deals, yes, but with so many protectionist holes you could drive a truck through it. Canada was, in so many ways, founded on terror of the outside world, so if you even try to suggest reforming these laws, politicians get absolute fury thrust upon them

HBC is owned and managed by an American private equity firm that was wise enough to keep the venerable company alive, but, really, it’s difficult to call it a “Canadian company” anymore.

Honestly, I’d say it’s an example of how difficult it is to do business in Canada. People wanted the “Target” that they experienced south of the border—cheap and full of items they couldn’t find elsewhere in Canada. Instead, they ended up with the same old goods at the same high Canadian prices. This problem also