
However, shares for Macy’s started soaring on Friday when The Wall Street Journal reported that Hudson Bay Co., a Canadian company, was in talks to potentially takeover both the chain and the real estate New Yorkers have all become so accustomed to wandering around on their lunch breaks.

If your wondering why the GOP is pushing so hard for her its because their tactic is the same as it was for public housing. Mismanage and under fund it and then scream about how bad it is and that it ‘just doesn’t work’.

To try and go beyond the surface here, the Democratic Party failed to address the anxiety that had been simmering for years, while their supporters on the coasts belittled it. What did we honestly expect to happen here? Of course these people were going to vote to burn it all down.

In 1917, President Coolidge signed the Johnson-Reed Act, an immigration law that prevented anyone from entering who was born in a geographical area called the “Asiatic Barred Zone,” with the exception of Japanese and Filipino people, as the Philippines were a U.S. colony.

When you’ve got pieces of shit like Donohue and Dolan representing Catholics nationally, there really is no high ground for us.

They just need to open up that second continent, and I will be a very happy gamer.

Join (or form) a political reform movement. Create a plan of action for the 2018 midterm election and beyond, identifying, recruiting and selecting progressive-minded candidates to run in the Democratic Party primaries at the local, county, state and federal levels—being mindful that we need progressive-minded folks

Sens. Mark Warner of Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats, voted for Tillerson.

I’m sure you’ve learned this in therapy, but it’s all about balance. For instance, people who are too self-absorbed tend to be narcissists, while those who are too inattentive to their own needs tend to be codependents; more often than not, both end up drawn to one another, and the dance between the two can be an

What’s crazy (and it’s mentioned in the article you have here) is that all this is current law. It should be interesting to people to note the certain amount of “cruelty” already built in to American law that just hasn’t been enforced—which is why Trump can get away with these executive orders without Congress.

But if that’s the strategy, (and it’s the only remotely helpful one I can think of) why the hell would you send Bernie Sanders to relay that message—and on CNN? There’s not some inviting blue dog Democrat who isn’t able to speak in a tone that’s not “YELL” to do this?

Nixon was the architect of the Southern Strategy, which is ultimately where this unholy mess of white supremacism and authoritarian theocracy to win elections came from. Any “reasonableness” on his part is entirely fiction.

It’s worth remembering that Dutch far-right nationalism has shades of this too—pro-Jewish and pro-LGBT, while heavily anti-Islam/anti-immigration. I’m left wondering if this is a fluke or misdirection, or part of a broader strategy. I’m sure we’ll find out very soon.

They’re probably lying. This seems obviously meant for spamming purposes.

The GOP has close to 3/4 of state legislatures, full control of Congress, the Presidency, and are on the brink of moulding the Supreme Court into their image.

Every time I see photos of that kind of British Columbia skyline, I start thinking of Baltar’s house on “Battlestar Galactica.”

Yup...I believe they have long been under instruction to believe that everyone is a potential “illegal immigrant,” unless an entrant can prove otherwise. One can imagine the level of abuse that comes with a mandate like that.

That’s the joy of that show: you can stop watching and come back 30 years later without skipping a beat!

Heh...I guess this means “Days of Our Lives” is safe then, so minor victories?