Speaking of “this age of Trump,” Donald is 70 and Melania is 46—a 24-year age difference. The thing is, I’ve heard few snickers about this, largely because it’s normalized when it comes to an older (wealthy) man and a younger woman.
Speaking of “this age of Trump,” Donald is 70 and Melania is 46—a 24-year age difference. The thing is, I’ve heard few snickers about this, largely because it’s normalized when it comes to an older (wealthy) man and a younger woman.
Populism is defeated when the establishment learns from populist anger and adopts solutions to the grievances that are reasonable, thus bringing new ideas into the mainstream.
Trump also, very boldly, laid out his vision for America—our dystopia, sure, but he laid everything out for us to see, and he’s doing it. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, for most people, was memorable for the anti-Trump ads and media mockery of Trump. Yes, she would tell people to “go to her website” to see her platform…
You’re right to be skeptical, but I only bring it up, because I similarly don’t think it should be dismissed out of hand.
There was a much bigger difference between Bernie and Hillary beyond mere genitalia. Bernie ran a populist, anti-establishment campaign, while Hillary, fairly or not, was the embodiment of “establishment neoliberalism” and that, I think, depressed turnout.
I voted for Hillary, but Bernie might have done well in the Rust Belt states that Trump eventually picked up to win the election.
“Upholding the Constitution” = “maintaining white supremacy”
Trump and the GOP haven’t been living in the real world for decades now. They’ll have to relearn the lessons of history.
In a trade war with Mexico, the US has the upper hand, but thinking a tariff on Mexican goods will generate enough billions to pay for a wall omits a lot of realistic and messy possibilities.
Perhaps, but then the idea would be that these tariffs would substantially discourage U.S. companies from setting up business in Mexico, thus repatriating back to the U.S. instead and boosting the American economy. At least that’s what they’d hope.
I suspect they’d try and get that money through tariffs, so Mexico “pays for it” without writing a check. Renegotiating NAFTA is already on Trump’s to-do list.
Honestly, millennial-age filmmakers and critics should probably create their own awards show—not an impossible task with the right marketing campaign. The Oscars are always going to skew very old, conservative and white in their tastes.
That reminds me an awful lot of the Republican governor of Michigan and his penchant for appointing unelected “emergency managers” to override the elected governments of overwhelmingly Democratic cities.
Impeachment is a partisan process, more or less, and always has been. Andrew Johnson’s impeachment back during Reconstruction was partisan, and so was Bill Clinton’s impeachment during the 1990s.
The entire West is too dependent on the U.S. for military power—both Canada and Europe have neglected their domestic militaries so much and for so long (with the expectation that the U.S. would come to save them in the event of a foreign invasion) that they are basically impotent.
Israel aside, abandoning our permanent Security Council seat and the power that comes along with it would be profound insanity. Russia and China would be absolutely ecstatic, though.
But the final boss fights took me under three minutes and I felt like I cheated myself of the challenge there.
Russia’s elections are rigged, so Putin doesn’t even need popular support anymore. That’s the other problem with totalitarian regimes.
This is basically a more detailed way of saying “have firm boundaries.” Narcissists like Trump can only thrive when people have weak or no boundaries, thus acting as “narcissistic supply.”
When you consider that they are designed to disassemble all these departments to give way to wholescale privatization, Trump’s appointees start to make sense.