“Radical chic” is nothing new, really. It’s just interesting to see Bernie Sanders become the newest target in fashion—I guess Che Guevara and Palestinian keffiyahs finally got boring.
“Radical chic” is nothing new, really. It’s just interesting to see Bernie Sanders become the newest target in fashion—I guess Che Guevara and Palestinian keffiyahs finally got boring.
I suspect NBC executives would have axed any attempt to make them sexual, unfortunately.
A person with a name like that looks like a troll.
The plan, as I’ve read, is “chaos.” Putin is trying to pull on the strings of the far-right (through the alt-right/white nationalism) and far-left (through RT) to sow division and discord—and not just in the U.S., but also in Europe.
Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an odometer switch, but I’m less concerned about that than I am with the speedometer. I do a lot of driving between the U.S. and Canada.
I’ve seen some newer cars, both in the U.S. and Canada, only in mph or kph respectively, which baffles me. I find myself wondering if it’s a way to circumvent NAFTA, which allows for the import/export of cars between the U.S. and Canada—and there can be some pretty large price disparities even if you factor in…
They won’t be doing that anytime soon. Stubbornness on this issue has become a point of national pride.
Well, interestingly enough...I didn’t. Everyone I went to school with that I kept in touch also moved all over the country, my extended family already lives all over the place, and my immediate family eventually moved to the mid-Atlantic—nobody stayed.
And this is what narcissists do. They put on a big show broadcasting their “greatness” (and, in this case, “masculinity”) to everyone they can, while getting as many people as they can behind them (the “narcissistic supply”). The irony, of course, is that not only are these narcissists only “great” in the most…
The IOC loves the current system because of the bribes/graft.
Then it might have been a good idea to address the Rust Belt’s issues back in the early 1980s when they first started to pop up. After 35 years, I think a lot of these people are probably happy with schadenfreude to see the rest of the country become as fucked as they have been all along.
Unfortunately, Russian interference in elections is nothing new—it’s already been happening in central and eastern Europe. However, if I am to be fair here, the U.S. also has a long history of interfering in elections—around 80 times between 1946 and 2000.
Except this is sort of a side issue. The bigger issue is that the GOP’s Southern Strategy, with its four decades of coded language and culture wars to conceal a lot of very abhorrent, pro-1% policies, is effectively complete. The GOP, at the national and state level, has achieved near one-party domination, and very…
Because, in an era where “daytime minutes” and “texting plans” are now irrelevant, “data” is the one thing cell providers can still set tiered plans to. Ultimately, companies like AT&T and Verizon have shareholders that they are accountable to.
I’d say it’s because Adam Driver has fairly unconventional style and facial features, which tends to polarize people to either love or hate someone like that (whereas a conventionally attractive person is more likely to attract middle-of-the-road affection/ambivalence).
If you’ve ever dealt personally with a pathological narcissist, it’s very instructive; it basically means that we’re in for a four-year roller coaster where absolutely nothing he says can be trusted to be accurate. He will change his mind on a whim repeatedly, while threatening and terrorizing everyone with his…
Certainly true, but it’s also been true for a long time when it comes to presidential ambassadorships in “safe countries.” Countries like Canada and Switzerland probably don’t need our top diplomats; the real question, I guess, is how Trump handles countries like Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.
I mean, the fundamentals of American democracy are just broken. Congress has done very little of note for nearly three decades now, which then pushed the burden of lawmaking to the executive and judicial branches. And why is Congress broken? Rampant gerrymandering, which is done by both parties, that make it…
Like everything related to the GOP and the Southern Strategy, “states’ rights” is a code phrase. Never, ever take anything the GOP says literally.
Well, I don’t think most people are especially in-tune with themselves—we all have a great capacity to lie to ourselves and believe it. Marriage is one of those things we are brought up to believe we should do, unquestioningly and without much thought, while divorce is much less of a taboo than it used to be. Plus,…