There’s an episode of Alias that took advantage of that fact.
There’s an episode of Alias that took advantage of that fact.
For argument’s sake, let’s just say Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as her critics say. Based on the GOP’s record of anti-feminist, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights, anti-black racism, anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rhetoric, why would members of any of these groups want to vote for Trump? I think any of these people…
Oh, I think I know how this story would go. They would highlight how “backwards those Muslims are,” while lecturing the LGBT community just “how lucky” they have it here for not getting killed. And meanwhile, in power, they would repeal all LGBT-friendly legislation without skipping a beat. The gay community, after…
The situation in #3 sounds like he’s dealing with a narcissist. Inappropriate oversharing, uncomfortably crossing sexual boundaries with someone too early—he does this, because he sees you as an object. You have “fuzzy boundaries” with him, and he, as a narcissist, will always take full advantage.
Statistically speaking, 90% of Trump’s supporters are white.
I suspect some people are just really good with the nuances of phonetics, whether she made a conscious effort to sound like a native or not.
A Nazi got us to the moon, so that’s something perhaps.
Well, I tried to find an image where it would be very, very difficult to have her standing on a box or something. George H.W. Bush is listed as being 6'2" (one of our tallest presidents), and Barbara doesn’t seem to be all that far behind him. Definitely not 4 feet tall—perhaps more like 5'10"? But then she could…
A really fascinating subject! Spiritualism and the occult were popular topics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and I have to think that the legacy of these movements not only influenced the later creation of the 1960s New Age cults, but also the popular preoccupation with “UFO sightings/alien abductions” up…
I suspect it’s a situation where he’s charming and witty in a professional setting, while acting like his true self amongst those closest to him (like immediate family and lovers).
Oh, I understand how difficult it is. I had an incredibly progressive and open-minded upbringing, having gone through 13 years of Catholic schooling—and didn’t really realize that “regressive” people still existed until I went to a public university and met my first young-earth creationist! So I feel like I can…
That’s because “wasteful government spending” is a code-phrase for “gut welfare and punish poor/people-of-color.” Absolutely everything the GOP says and does needs to be thoroughly analyzed and interpreted through the lens of the Southern Strategy.
It’s been out-of-print for a good long while; I’m pretty sure I had to buy it used about a decade back. That being said, Amazon seems to have an abundance of used copies for sale at reasonable prices.
Well, incidentally, President John Tyler, born in 1790 and dead in 1862, still has two living grandsons. That’s a pretty extreme case of both Tyler and his son having children at a very old age, but it goes to show that it’s quite possible to stretch back into the 18th century in only three generations, let alone…
Yes, and this is why a good content creator doesn’t blindly listen to its fanbase—ordinary folks are bad at explaining what they want. The key is to read between the lines, which is certainly more of an art than a science, but I think that’s why games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne have done well.
Thanks for sharing this. My current consumer router is an old POS, and I’ve really wanted something better. Now, I know full well that this solution requires me to get my hands a bit dirty—and I’m not scared of that, in general. Yet, I have to admit...looking online at the setup options, I am simultaneously a bit…
Thanks for sharing this. My current consumer router is an old POS, and I’ve really wanted something better. Now, I…